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(sorry I haven't updated in a while, hope u like this chapter! Also Tom and Bill look like this now!) (pic at top!)

Veronica's pov:
I follow Bill and Tom as they drive to a nearby Café, they pull over and get out. I do the same.
"so what is this place?" I question, "it's just a little hangout spot I guess a lot of people from school come here" Tom says shrugging I nod and look over at Natiliy again she's starring at them like there famous or something "quit starring your acting like a weirdo!" She looks over at me as if she's offended. "ugh as if! let's just get inside." She says as she starts walking in.

Bill looks over to me confused "don't worry about it, just sibling stuff." I say he nods " I can agree with that" he says as he looks at Tom, Tom just puts his hands up in defense, we all follow Natiliy inside as we walk in there's gasping from a few people. Uhm weird.
"what's that about?" I ask "us I'm guessing" bill says as he looks around the café at the people waving a little. Why would he wave to them, huh mean he could know them? So i guess that's normal. Suddenly someone speaks "Hi what could I get you all today!" The lady says in what I assume is German. Maybe I do need to learn some hmm, " hi could I just get a coffee?" Bill says the lady just nods. Tom looks over at me "what'd you like?" "oh just a normal coffee is fine with me!" he smiles and looks back at the lady.

"Two more coffees please?" He says, "coming right up! And for you Ms?" She looks over at my sister "hi can I get a black coffee with caramel? thanks" uh what. I look over at her in confusion. She just smirks and shrugs at me.

My phone starts to buzz, I flip it open. It's just Iris I had forgotten that we had exchanged numbers earlier. (texts are underlined) "hey! wanna hangout today?" I smile but remember I'm with Tom and Bill so I can't, "hey girl sorry I can't I'm with Tom and Bill rn at a Café :(
Maybe later?" . I flip my phone off to see Tom starring me down, and when my eyes meet his he looks away fast. hm I'm starting to zone out looking at him before someone snaps me out of it "hellooo? You still there?" Bill says laughing "oh yea sorry, zoning out I guess" I say kinda chuckling.

He just laughs and hands me my coffee as we all walk to sit down.

Timejump: 😜

I'm walking to my room as I feel my flip phone buzzing in my back pocket. It's Iris again go figure, "hey can u hang later I'm so bored there's literally nothing to do at mine:/" I laugh to myself at her text "yea ofc, does 10 work for you?" I flip my phone off so I can take my shoes off and put my hair up. *buzz* "10's perfect! I'll meet u at the park?"  "Sounds good!"

short timejump:

It's now 9:00 so I should probably start getting ready now, I grab a towel and walk to my bathroom. As I'm about to take off my clothes I see Tom in his room, he's in a gaming chair watching something on a computer eating watermelon shirtless. If I stare any longer im going to pass out, as I'm getting out of my trance still starring though Tom turns his head and looks dead at me.

I ducked down and army crawled out of the bathroom and starting to text Iris "omg Iris Tom just caught me starring at him what do I do!?!?" I sent it still panicking as my blinds in the bathroom were still open. "omg girllll you were caught!" "Iris! Not the time for jokes, I'm on the ground hiding" I laugh at myself for how stupid I sound. "Idk get up and close those blinds?!" fuck she's right. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom, Tom is gone.

I quickly close the blinds and start getting undressed. As rub my cherry shampoo in my hair I hear my phone buzzing I choose to ignore it and continue my shower, it doesn't stop though. I'm rinsing out the shampoo and putting my conditioner in, I reach for my black claw clip so I can put my hair up and let the conditioner soak in. *buzz* I groan not wanting to get out and grab my phone. *buzz* *buzz* I ignore it again.

As im finishing my shower and getting out I get a call from Bill.  (bold is bill only for this call tho not in German)  "hello?" "V. WHY HAVENT U BEEN ANSWERING MY TEXTS?!" "oh sorry I was in the shower. Why are you screaming?" "ohhhh, BUT Tom just ran in here saying you were starring at him? And hid when he saw u?" He said laughing  "uhhhh. no." "Mhm you sure about that v?" "yes." "okay well, I have to go but I'll call you later k?" "okay! bye bill!" 

I closed my phone and began to put my low rise jeans, belt and tanktop on as well as my fur heels and my makeup. I check the time "9:43" damn, I need to leave soon.

(Outfit and makeup with out the bag and other stuff tho)

(Outfit and makeup with out the bag and other stuff tho)

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As I'm walking out the door to leave, I see Tom and a girl making out in his room

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As I'm walking out the door to leave, I see Tom and a girl making out in his room.
My eyes start to well up and I feel like crying, but I don't. I just stomp away walking down the street in the dark to the park at 9:56pm meeting up with a friend.

HEY BABES! so uhm that's the chapter I'm gonna publish the other one soon maybe tomorrow I'm not sure, but love yall night<3
-1003 words.

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