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Veronica's pov:

As I'm stomping down the streets getting closer and closer to the park I see what looks like Georg sitting down with Iris on a bench smoking.

I walk up to them. "hey guys.." I said clearing my throat Georg scotches away from her "hey V! how's it going?" I look over to Iris "good."
Iris seems to seance the awkwardness "so! what do yall want to do?" she asks, I sit down on the other side of her not wanting to get in between whatever's going on with her and Georg. we all just sit there silently before we hear chattering coming from people close to us, I turn my head to see Bill, Gustav, Brit, and Tom with his arm around a mysterious girl.

He looks at me like he did something wrong.
I lightly scoff and look away to Iris, "you said it was just gonna be us!?" I whisper shout to her as she slightly smiles and shrugs "sorry I couldn't just invite Georg!" she whispers back, traitor. But I get it I'd do it too if I got the chance.


As I walk next to Bill and Iris observing the drunken mess in front of us. This mysterious girl who I still don't know the name of and Tom are sloppily trying to walk, right as I turn to look at bill to ask this mystery girls name we hear a loud thud. Everyone stops. "owww, my heel" the girl whines dragging out the "w", Tom just lays there starring at the sky I lean over him "you alright there princess?" I chuckle. He looks at me drunk and confused, I reach my hand out for him to grab he yanks me down on top of him "AH tom!" I shout no one pays any attention. "you look silly now" he giggles, I sigh and try to pull myself off him. he just holds me tighter. "bill?... little help?" I say trying to get out of toms thick grasp. Tom gasps and pushes me off him "I thought you liked it. hm." He says defensively and sassy. I scoff as of now I'm on the ground, I hear chuckling as someone pulls me off the ground, "sorry" he giggles at the sight of me, bill.

"your fine" I sigh brushing myself off, "here let me help you." he says brushing leafs and dirt off my lower back, I feel like im being stabbed with daggers as Tom watches us from afar with the girl, as if he wasn't just pinning me to himself ugh. whore.

Bill looks to me then to Tom and back at me, he sighs and walks over from his spot at the bench across from me. he sits down. "anything you want to tell me?" "...not really bill." My voice is horse and dry. "hm I guess I'll just ask Tom then..." he said sighing and getting up, "wait! no, not here please. not now" I plead pulling him back down into his spot next to me on the bench. he chuckles "knew it." sometimes I just wanna punch Bill for how much he looks and acts like Tom. But obviously I won't and I could never.

leaving the park (still tipsy):

Bill and I hook arms as Iris and Georg Ran off a while ago, and he is my only sense of light as of right now. As we continue to walk down the street Britney turns around to us "Me and Lindsey are heading to mine! later." she says as she grabs Lindsey's arm. what. the. fuck. how didn't I recognize her!?! ugh I roll my eyes and look up to bill who's already looking down at me, "I wanna do something fun." I say, his once shy demeanor turns confused. "fun?" he repeats, I nod and turn my back to him and unhook our arms "I wanna pierce my belly" I say smirking "oh fuck yea" his sly smile appears.

Tom is unlocking the door to his house as we decided it would be better to do it at theirs instead of mine, one because I snuck out, two because I have no sense of where tf my keys are.

"So who wants to do it?" I ask. "I mean I can it makes the most sense, since I did my tongue?" He shrugs "woah I didn't know you had a tounge piercing!?" I question exited, "yup!" He chuckles sticking his tongue out. "what a surprise..." Tom mummers under his breath whispering "what?" "It's not like you're together 24/7!" He shouts walking out of the room slamming the door behind him. I turn to who looks a mix of bill concerned and confused "what just happened." "don't look at me I wouldn't know?" I sigh at his answer it not being what I wanted to hear, "well let's get this over with then I guess" i let out trying to get the other side of him, but he stops me. "But after you go talk to him." He says sternly, "what! why? I did nothing" I say crossing my arms, "then why did he stomp out of here?" He says. Fuck me. He has a point, stupid enough, "fine" "okay then! step right up!" He says patting the small couch in his room with his left hand holding a piercing gun in his other hand.

I giggle excitedly sitting next to him, "thanks again..." I pause "will this hurt?" I question "do you want me to lie?" He says with a small smile. I sigh "fuck I mean it's worth it... right?" I ask "fuck yea you're gonna look 10 times hotter babes" he laughs. I smile idk the thought about my best friend thinking I'm hot just gives me so much more confidence, "you ready?" He asks as I realize I was zoning out "you ok there?" "oh yea sorry zoning out sorry" I look at him. Was I really about to let him pierce my stomach?


too late. " awh fuck me!" I shout bill looks at me worriedly, "so did it hurt..." he says slightly smiling I look at him probably red as fuck because of the alcohol and the pain I just went through. sighing I answer him "it hurt more in the moment than now" I shrug.

"time for you to finish up your end of the deal." He says pulling me up off the couch, I breathe in and out walking out of bills room down the hallway to Toms I knock. "komm herein" he replies I ignore what he says because I have no clue what he said and go in anyway. "Tom..?" I ask, he turns around in his sit starring at me eyes bloodshot. "shit are you ok?" I ask going up to him and grabbing his face examining it, "what do you think." He pulls my hands off his face coldly "why are you being so cold!" I shout upset and angry, "why are you fucking my brother!" He shouts back, I take a step back not knowing what to say knowing bill definitely heard him and is probably just as embarrassed as I am "one! I am NOT hooking up with Bill. Two! You say that as if you weren't making out and hooking up with your ex earlier today!" I yell regretting what I said covering my mouth. He gets quiet. "how'd you know that..." he questions with a harsh look on his face, I make something up quickly. "as if it wasn't obvious tonight! AUGH!" I shout stomping towards his door until I feel his veiny hands grab my wrist and yank me back to him. "I was just having some fun! She doesn't matter to me anymore!" He pleaded quickly obviously scattered, I quiet down. "be honest to not only me, but yourself Tom." I say as I rip my hand away from his grasp and walk out.

Billy Willy baby wabbys🙈🥰😝🤭 pov:

I had just heard their whole fight. about me.
but Tom isn't usually like that, he knows who I like and it isn't v. I contemplated going to his room and talking to him or just even checking up on him, until I heard a door slam.
I rush to my window just to see an upset Veronica bolting away, across the street and basically breaking her gate trying to push the pin in and barge inside her very own house.

A/N: (added to this chapter😻) also ik bellybutton piercings aren't supposed to hurt it's js for the plot🙈

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