001, couins beach

612 26 37

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      There's nothing more that Leilani Hayes loved more than the drive to Cousins Beach. It was like coming home after a long day out; only wanting to go home and pass the fuck out. Expect, instead of sleeping, Leilani would get to spend every second with her best friends. The Fisher family, the Hayes family, and the Conklin family had stayed at that very beach house, without a doubt, every summer. Even before any of the kids were born.

Susannah Fisher, Laurel Conklin, And Danielle Hayes had been best friends since high school. Susannah always loved summer and wanted her, and her two best friends to start a tradition. That tradition was, every summer, no matter what, all three of their families would go to the beach house that she spent her summers in as a kid.

      Leilani stared out of the passenger side window, as her brother Dylan drove the car. Dylan and her mom had switched drivers mid-way through the trip, with protest from Lei, of course. She thought if she was never allowed to drive, what was the use of getting her driver's license in the spring?

The curly-haired girl sat up from her previous slouched position, as she recognized the song playing on the radio. She shot up, quickly turning up the volume so she could actually hear it.

"Turn this shit down," Dylan complained, taking his right hand off the steering wheel, and turning the radio back down.

"Mom!" Leilani whined, turning around to look at her in the back seat. She looked up at her daughter and set her phone down on her lap.

"Dylan, let your sister listen to her music, please."

"I can't concentrate on driving if her music is so loud it's about to burst my ear drums, Mom!" Dylan said in his defense, as he shot a harsh glare towards his younger sister who smiled at him. "So, if you don't want to end up dying in this car right now, I'm gonna say no."

"He has a point, Lei."

"But, Mom!" Leilani groaned, slouching back down in her seat, as she looked out the window once more. "Hey, can we stop at this gas station? I promised Jere I would get him Swedish Fish." Leilani asked, turning her head towards her older brother with a fake smile on her face.

"Fine," Dylan sighed, as he switched lanes, turning left as he turned into the 'Russell's Gas & Groceries' parking lot.

      "Oh, can I have like a ten-dollar bill?" Leilani asked, getting ready to get out of the car. Dylan huffed in annoyance, as he pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans quickly pulled a ten-dollar bill out, and handed it to her.

      "Thanks, Dilly" Leilani spoke sarcastically, as she opened the car door. 

      "Don't take forever!" Danielle said as Leilani shut the car door, giving her mom a thumbs up before walking towards the building decorated as if it was ready for the 4th of July.

      She quickly entered the building, making her way over to the snacks. Leilani grabbed herself, and Dylan's bag of Hot Cheetos each, before walking over to the candy aisle and grabbing Swedish Fish for Jeremiah Fisher.

      "Hey," The guy behind the front desk said, as she put her stuff down on the counter. "Hi," Leilani said, smiling up at the guy.

      "You stay with the Fishers every summer here, right?" The brunette boy asked, furrowing his brows as if he was trying to pinpoint where he had known her from.

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