006, book parties

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Leilani had just come back from the beach, and she already wanted to kill someone. The second she walked into the house, she was met with screaming -- and if she didn't know better, she would have assumed someone was being murdered. But, sadly for her, it was just the boys playing video games.

"Do you guys have to be so loud?" Leilani groaned as she walked into the living room.

All the boys turned around, "Are you wearing that to the party?" Dylan asked, pointing at her bikini, before looking back at the TV.

"Yeah, give the people some entertainment while Laur is in the corner signing books," Leilani laughed, sarcasm in her tone.

Dylan immediately grimaced, as he looked back over at her, "That's disgusting, go change,"

Conrad chuckled as he glanced back at Leilani, subtly checking her out, before turning his attention back to the game.

Leilani noticed, but before she could say anything -- Belly walked into the room, "See you guys later,"

Jeremiah was the only one who peeled his eyes off the screen, as he looked over at Belly. "Damn!" he stood up and walked over to her.

"No, yeah, just abandon the game completely, Jere," Steven complained, not taking his eyes away from the TV.

"You... Look... Hot," Jeremiah smiled, as he spun Belly around.

That made Steven turn around, "Hey, hey, hey, stop flirting with my sister,"

"Let them live," Leilani laughed, making Steven send her a glare.

"I'm gonna go get ready," Leilani announced to the group.

"Please," Dylan said, making Conrad laugh.

Leilani flipped her brother off, though he couldn't even see her -- as his back was turned. The brunette walked away, unaware that Conrad's eyes lingered on her until she turned the corner.

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Leilani swore up and down she would never go to another one of Laurel's book signings -- yet here she was. She had been hiding in the bathroom for a while but eventually got kicked out after causing a line to form.

She was now wandering aimlessly around the event, searching for anyone to talk to. Until, finally, Leilani spotted a familiar brunette boy at the liquor table.

"Hit me," Leilani said, walking up next to Conrad.

Conrad looked up at her, furrowing his brows -- before lifting his hand, "This might hurt..."

"Seriously?" Leilani laughed, grabbing Conrad's arm and pushing it down.

Conrad looked down at her hand, which was still on his arm, before he grabbed another cup, poured chardonnay into it, and handed it to her.

"Thank you," she smiled, taking her hand off his arm and grabbing the cup from him. She chugged it down and sat the cup on the table. "I need something stronger,"

"Tell me about it," Conrad chuckled, pouring more chardonnay into their cups. They both drank it, but before the two could get another cup, Laurel called Conrad over.

"Conrad! Come over here," Laurel said, turning both the teens in her direction.

"Come with me," Conrad said, setting his cup down on the table.

"That looks like something I'd never be interested in... have fun though," Leilani smiled up at Conrad, before walking away. Conrad walked towards Laurel, while Leilani walked towards Jeremiah, Dylan, and Steven who were all sitting on a couch.

"I've never been this bored," Leilani groaned, sitting down next to Jeremiah.

"Agreed," Steven said.

A few minutes passed before Conrad came and sat next to Leilani.

"You know, this shit is so boring. Can we go somewhere?" Conrad asked the group.

"Where?" Leilani groaned, looking over at him.

"We could go to town, I don't know, buy some weed from that guy with the Rainbow Dash tattoo?" Jeremiah said.

"Nah, he got arrested," Dylan sighed.

"Shit, really?" Leilani questioned. That guy was her go-to if she ever wanted weed last summer.

"Yeah," Conrad confirmed.

"Yo, we could go to the drive-in," Steven suggested.

"Dude, gross. No, I-I don't want to watch Belly hooking up with some kid in the back seat of a minivan," Jeremiah said, grimacing at the thought.

"Actually?" Leilani laughed. Belly had been acting cold since the debutant lunch, so she wouldn't exactly feel horrible.

"Yo, actually... let's go to the drive-in," Conrad agreed, sending Leilani a smirk.

"Wait. Like... like, really?" Steven asked.

"You guys are assholes," Dylan said.

"You're not in?" Conrad asked Dylan.

"No, I'm in," He laughed.

"Alright, bro," Conrad laughed, as he stood up -- throwing Jeremiah's car keys at Steven. "You're driving,"

"Can I drive?" Leilani asked as she stood up.

"No," Conrad said dryly, smirking at the shorter girl.

"Nope," Steven said, walking ahead of her.

"Not in my car," Jeremiah laughed.

"I don't feel like dying tonight," Dylan chuckled, making the rest of the boys laugh.

"You all suck," Leilani groaned, as she followed the boys to Jeremiah's car.

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haley speaks
this one didn't even break 1k words

leilaniconrad not fighting for once 🩷🩷

all i gotta say is be ready for the 4th
of july episode 😛

ruined me ( conrad fisher )Where stories live. Discover now