007, drive-in crashers!

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      Steven pulled into the drive-in, parking Jeremiah's jeep next to Cam Cameron's car, on Belly's side. Leilani gazed through the window and laughed, leaning forward in her seat as she was squished in the middle of Dylan and Conrad in the backseat.

      Belly exited the car angrily, as Cam walked towards the concession stand. Jeremiah and Steven mocked Belly with kissing noises, making Leilani laugh softly. She yanked the door open, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

      "Uh, just catching the end of our favorite movie," Steven laughed, looking up at the screen.

      "Yeah, our favorite movie," Dylan laughed from the backseat. Belly's gaze shifted from Jeremiah and Steven to the backseat, where Leilani was seated.

      "Leilani, what the hell!" Belly shouted, causing a laugh to escape from her lips.

      "What?" The brunette laughed, leaning forward so her head was in-between Steven and Jeremiah.

      "Are you serious?" Belly asked, in disbelief.

      "Belly, come on -- we're joking around,"

      Belly shook her head, turning her attention back to her brother,  "You guys have no right, you have to go!"

      "Belly, relax," Jeremiah laughed.

      Steven laughed, looking over at Jeremiah. Belly's eyes narrowed on him, "Steven if you don't leave, I swear to God I will send everyone in this car your Dramione fanfic,"

      Leilani immediately burst into laughter, along with the three other boys -- as Steven was too boys threatening Belly. "You wouldn't,"

      "Oh, he spent an entire chapter talking about Draco's wand,"

      That only made the group's laughter louder, as Belly stood there with a smirk on her face.

      "Oh, my God," Jeremiah gasped, "You know, don't be embarrassed, man. Draco's hot,"

      "Drop it, drop it," Steven repeated, looking behind him to see Leilani, Conrad, and Dylan trying their hardest not to laugh again.

      "Leilani, seriously?" Belly said, looking through the backseat window at Leilani. "Please leave,"

      "Belly, grow up. We're joking," Leilani giggled, leaning over Conrad's lap so she could get closer to the window.

      "Hey, let's just go guys," Dylan said, looking at Leilani, then over to Belly who looked like she was on the brink of tears.

      "What?" Leilani asked, turning around to face her brother.

      "Are you kidding me?" Steven asked, looking behind him.

      "Steven, drive the car!" Belly yelled, slamming the door she opened minutes before.

      Steven groaned, "You were the one who wanted to come, Dylan," Steven through the car in drive, before speeding off through the grass, sending Leilani back in her seat. The curly-haired girl groaned, "We never get to have fun,"

      "She was about to cry, come on," Dylan defended, sitting back in his seat.

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      After the group got home, Leilani decided if she spent another second sober she would drop dead. So, while everyone else went to bed -- and after Steven snuck out, Leilani was in the backyard smoking a joint, and drinking a beer. She would've invited Conrad -- but she figured if she was alone, she would get the whole joint to herself.

      Once she finished the joint, she just sat there thinking about if people had eyes for nipples, if they would be able to see if their shoes were untied when they got old and their boobs got saggy -- or how hungry she had gotten in the thirty minutes she spent sitting out there.

      But, once she heard the front door close, that gave her the motivation to go back inside. Leilani sat up and walked into the house, and when she walked into the dining room -- she was met with a mad Belly Conklin.

      "How was your fun date?" Leilani smiled, holding her beer in one hand, and pushing a piece of her curly hair behind her ear with the other.

      "Excuse me?" Belly asked, turning around to face Leilani.

      "What?" Leilani laughed, before remembering why Belly was so mad. "Dude... we were just having a little fun,"

      "No, you guys are assholes," Belly spat.

      "Belly, relax," Leilani giggled.

      Belly spun around in a circle, "No, Leilani. You know how excited I was for tonight, then-- then you guys just had to show up and ruin it!" She explained, angrily.

      "Yeah, because us showing up for like, two minutes really ruined that for you? I mean come on — grow up, Belly," Leilani scoffed, as she walked over to the kitchen.

      "Why can't you let me have this one thing?" Belly furrowed, walking with her, and leaning on the kitchen island.

      "Admit it, you guys knew what you were doing,"

      "What? What was I doing?" Leilani shrugged her shoulders.

      "You were reminding me that you and Conrad existed," Belly scoffed, leaning forward on the counter, "I asked you if anything was going on with you and Conrad a few days ago, and you straight up lied to me!"

      "I-I mean, last summer -- there was obviously something going on with you two, then you like, freaked!" Belly stuttered.

      "Belly -- you're being dramatic,"

      "No! You guys just had to show up to my date, to shove it in my face that you guys are -- whatever you guys are!" Belly yelled.

      "There's nothing going on between me and Conrad!" Leilani defended -- or at least, she didn't think there was.

      "Stop lying!"

      "Stop being such a baby!" Leilani said in her defense.

      "Oh, and you're such an adult?" Belly shouted, making Leilani furrow her brows.

      "You spent your Saturday night crashing my first date for fun, then you came home and got high," Belly scoffed.

      Leilani said nothing, and simply just took a swig of her beer.

      Belly scoffed again, "Fine. Fine. Forget it. Why don't you go smoke another blunt?"

      "Why don't you go to bed and hug that stupid bear Conrad won you at the boardwalk because he felt bad," Leilani countered as Belly turned around. She rolled her eyes, before storming up the stairs.

      Leilani scoffed, walking towards Susannah's alcohol cabinet -- stealing something stronger than a bottle of beer, and headed her way towards her room.

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haley speaks
haley publishing twice in a day?????
WOAH. everyone is shocked!

IS COMMINGGG!!! be so prepared

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