𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Aurora: Natasha said you were probably going to do something dumb

Steve: She has no idea what she's talking about Bambina

Aurora: Are you going to do something dumb Mr. Rogers?

Steve: Cazzo, don't call me that, but no it's not dumb

Aurora: Just... be careful.

Steve: Why? Would you miss me?

Aurora: Yes, and it's hard to forgive someone if they're not alive.

Steve: I'll be careful Bambina, I promise.

Aurora: I love you

Steve: Vivo per te

Aurora: I'll take it

I looked up from my phone to see Bucky smirking at me. The bastard always knew what was happening, but today I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that my stomach had butterflies in it for the first time in years, or ever truly. No, today I needed my men on their best game because I was off of mine. Vivo per te, I live for you. It was the closest to me saying I love you that I could with Angelo still breathing. Because if I voiced those three little words, Aurora would be ripped from me. Just like Peggy, just like my Mom, and just like my Dad. I had barely survived those losses, each one chipping away a piece of me I wasn't ready to give, but if I lost Aurora completely at her father's hand, I'm not sure I'd be able to survive.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Sam strolled in, taking his position next to Bucky.

Sometimes it was funny, our little dynamic. They're the closest thing to family I've got. Our personalities were all vastly different, or just different enough, yet, there was a silent protection, a silent bond no one would be able to break, even though many had tried before. Sam and Bucky's personalities were polar opposites, Sam was a realist, but he was positive, he brought the joy I so desperately needed to cling onto, and Bucky was the brooding side of that coin, he was the side that made sure I would never forget where I came from, he was quiet and lethal, but he cared so much, so deeply. And I was a mixture of both, I had to be, otherwise I'd go insane.

They were my anchors, they kept me alive, they kept me human. As human as I could be. That was until I met Aurora. I no longer found comfort only from my brothers, I found it in the sweet melody of her laugh, in the sharp knives of her anger, in her warmth of a hug. She had become the reason I was doing all of this, taking down Angelo. He's hurt my sweet baby so many times, and I promised myself, I would drag him to the pits of hell and watch him burn for everything he's done for her.

"You requested us, boss?"

Sam's calm question had my eyes snapping up to meet his, their stance the one I was accustomed to when we were in business mode, feet shoulder-width apart, the right hand gripping the left wrist and being pressed against the pelvic bone. The picture of perfect obedience, but I knew they wanted to ream me, still, even though I was working on patching up the holes I created, their lecture could be held for later, because right now, keeping Aurora safe was my only thought, and the best way to keep her safe, is to get rid of her monster of a Dad.

Bucky was right, I was cruel, but I wasn't a monster, the only monster was Angelo fucking Coppola.

I cleared my throat, setting my phone face down on the desk before folding my fingers together and leaning them on the desk, "Yes," I flickered my eyes to the door and Bucky got the message, quickly walking over to shut the heavy oak and seal us in silence. "I need you to double-cross."

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