𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦

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"Miss Coppolla," Aurora looked over her shoulder at the man sitting on the couch, "I wasn't aware you were to be joining us tonight."

"Romeo," I squeezed her waist, hiding my smirk in her hair as she spoke with such distaste for the man who owed me money. Aurora tilted her head back to look at me, and I couldn't help but smile at her, kissing her forehead gently before guiding us back to the chaise, I didn't force her to sit, I let her tower over the man so he knew that she had power here. "I wasn't aware you were the man who owed money, although I can't say I'm surprised."

Romeo gave her a tight smile, "Can't say I'm surprised that you op-"

He snapped his mouth shut when I glared at him, "Careful how you finish that sentence, Russo," I pressed a kiss to Aurora's hip, gesturing for Bucky and Sam to step forward, it was time for Aurora to be escorted home, and I'd meet her there. "It doesn't take much for me to kill for her, I'd hate to bloody the carpets here because you decided to be dense. If you were smart, you would consider apologizing to my future wife, you wouldn't want to create an enemy out of me when you owe me money."

Romeo swallowed, looking between Aurora and me before he shrunk back into the sofa behind us. "Very well, I'll keep that in mind as I come up with what to do with you," I stood back up, spinning Aurora to face me. Her face was flushed from the alcohol she drank and I smiled, leaning down to kiss her softly, hearing her whimper against my mouth, her delicate fingers fisting the white button-up. "Go home and rest bambina," I pressed a kiss to her nose when she blinked up at me, "I'll be home soon okay?"

She nodded, and I turned to Bucky, "Not a fucking scratch on her."

"Down boy," I shot a glare towards Bucky when he took Aurora's hand, guiding her in front of him, "I've kept her safe multiple times, nothings going to change. Have fun with the broken half of Romeo and Juliet, Mia Cara and I will be eating cake and watching a movie to wait for you."

"Bucky, you're an enforcer, not a friend."

"Why can't he be both?" Aurora asked pouting, her eyes drooping when Bucky wrapped an arm around her shoulders, keeping her tucked into his body. I couldn't help but smile when Bucky wrapped her completely in her arms. I'd thought it before, but when Bucky rested his chin on the top of her head I knew he was the brother Aurora needed, she trusted him, I could tell by the way she completely sunk into his body, using his strength to keep her upright.

"Get her in bed soon," Bucky nodded, noticing how tired Aurora was. The recovery process has taken a little longer for any of us to understand. She had so much energy through the day it seemed, but when she crashed, she crashed hard, and it probably didn't help that I was letting her drink. She wasn't on any medications anymore, but I should've eased her back into everything instead of just assuming she would be okay. I leaned forward to kiss her forehead one more time before I nodded at Bucky, watching them descend the stairs, he led her carefully down each step, only to tuck her into his side again and guide her out of the casino.

"Aren't you scared of them fucking?"

I forgot Romeo was with me for a minute until his voice pierced the silence, "No," I turned back to him only to watch him curl further into the couch. "I have trust in both my best man and my girl, plus Bucky's girl would cut his balls off if he even thought of stepping on her, but I'd truly watch your mouth," I took three deliberate steps towards him, watching as he cowered below me, good he should be scared. "I don't take lightly to people insulting what's mine, and Aurora is mine, anytime you say something negative about my girl, will be something that I will retaliate with later. Now, I'd love to get back to my girl, so let's cut to the chase."

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