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𝘌𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

A scream tore from my lips as another contraction hit.

They were getting stronger with every second, each time I took a breath it was like I was shoving my daughter towards the birthing canal. That or she has her father's horrible sense of humor, where scaring me, or harming someone else is considered a pleasurable time. I collapsed against the pillows, sweat clinging to my skin while my brothers wiped down my face with a cool rag, "Please Adelina," I placed my hand on my stomach, feeling my daughter thrash in my body, "Wait until daddy is here, he'll flip out if he doesn't hear your sweet cries."

I thought I would be incorrigible with my pregnancy, but Steve would not relent on anything. I wasn't allowed out of his sight for the most part, and he spent so many nights worshipping me for giving him the life he never thought he'd have. While also whispering all the dirty things he would do to me as soon as our daughter was brought into the world. And when the doctor said I needed to be on bed rest due to my weak lungs, thanks for that Papá, Steve took it literally, and I laid in bed for six days before I begged Bucky to take me to the park, just so I could have some fresh air.

Another scream ripped from my lungs, my hands squeezing Dante's so hard he whimpered. "Angioletta," Dante muttered to my stomach, placing his scarred palm against my skin, "Take it easy on your mamma," Enzo grunted his agreement to my brother's statement, "Much to most people's dismay, I'd like to keep my hand," I shot a glare towards my brother when Adelina squirmed in my womb, ready to be free, and if Steve wasn't here within the next ten minutes, I might actually let her come and then kill him myself for being late. "On second thought angioletta," Little angel, that's what my brothers have taken to calling Adelina, which is better than my nickname as a child, "I don't need my hand, just take it easy on your mamma before she murders me."

"Shut up."

"Enzo, your turn."

"Thanks, but I'll pass," Enzo chuckled pushing my hair out of my face, "I like being the preferred brother at the moment."

"I hate both of you at the moment."

The door to the room opened and I felt all the nerves disappear when Steve walked in, Sam and Bucky on his heels, blood splattered on their clothing. "I'm sorry bambina," Steve strolled up to my bedside, smoothing my hair back and kissing my sweaty forehead, "I tried to finish as soon as I could to get here."

"It's okay," I shook Enzo's hand away and took Steve's shaking when another small contraction hit, "Tell your daughter it's okay if she wants to come now because I'm so tired."

Steve chuckled, placing his palm on my stomach, and just like that, our daughter calmed, just enough that I could pull a real breath into my lungs. "Sunshine," his thumb pressed down to where her head was, stroking the skin softly, "Take it easy on your mamma, we're ready for you to come, any time no-"

Steve wasn't able to finish his sentence because I started screaming, the contracting so strong it sent an alert to the doctors who came running in. I collapsed back on the bed in tears, my pregnancy had been easy for the most part, the only problem had been the shortness of breath, I felt like I couldn't keep enough air in my lungs most of the time, which was the doctor's main concern, but now I was terrified, scared out of my mind at the fact I was about to push a baby out of me. Steve knew the look of fear on my face because he kneeled next to the bed, keeping my hand in his, and stroked the back of my hand, "You're doing so good bambina, so good."

He was blurry when I looked at him, unshed tears resting in my waterline. But he made me feel safe, so I nodded, flinching when I heard the doctor speak, "Okay Mrs. Rogers," he cleared his throat and I reached up to wipe my eyes, "It's time, do you want everyone in here while you push?"

"Just Steve."

Everyone nodded, kissing my head as they left the room, and then Steve was behind the bed, holding both of my hands and kissing the top of my head. "Ready to start when you are."

I was in labor for three hours, two of those were the doctors monitoring the contractions, and an hour was spent pushing. I was exhausted, my muscles ached and my hands were sore from gripping Steve. "One more Aurora," Steve murmured in my ear and I cried out, "One more baby, one more and she's here with us."

So, I pushed, I pushed until I heard my daughters cry, and then I collapsed, utterly exhausted and sobbing because I brought a life into this world. And when she was bundled up, she cried louder until I reached out of her, resting her on my chest. "Hi sunshine," I whispered, sniffling as I looked down at her, "You're just as stubborn as your daddy."

Steve's finger traced her cheek, her massive blue eyes opening to look at us, "My sunshine girl," Steve whispered, leaning down to kiss me gently before kissing Adelina's head, "My little miracle, I love you both so much."

I held Adelina until they took her to run some tests, and only then did I relax against the bed, getting ready to submit to my exhaustion, "You're amazing Aurora," Steve was sitting in the chair beside me and I blinked at him, offering a small smile. "Everything I've ever wanted came true because of you, I love you."

I gave him a sleepy smile, nodding as I kept his hand in mine. Our story may not be pretty, and it's a lot of blood, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Steve's love was hard to gain but I will never lose it, he won't ever let me. And I would have a million of his children if it made him this happy. But right now I was happy with one, my sweet daughter, and I was more than thrilled to start a new life, to correct the failures my parents created with me.

So I smiled, squeezing his hand once, "I love you too Steve Rogers. Forever and always."

"Forever and always bambina." 


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