𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺

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Most people go on their honeymoon the day after their wedding.

Not me, I was currently sitting in the bathroom with my brothers, Steve, Sam, and Bucky, getting ready to go end my father's life. I would've loved a few minutes of peace and quiet, but they were seeing none of it, watching and chatting as I sat on the counter, my feet in the sink so I could do my makeup, it was more of a nervous reaction, something to keep me busy, not so much a thing I was doing because I wanted to. "Are you sure?" Bucky asked, and I knew he wasn't looking at me, but he was asking about me, so I turned my head, seeing Steve watch me closely, "Boss, are you sure you want to send her in there?"

"I agree with Bucky," Dante murmured, watching me intently, in that way, he has since we were kids, like I was the little girl that always needed saving. I did once, but not anymore. "Are you sure she's the one to send in?"

"She has a name," I interrupted, watching Bucky and Dante snap to attention, "And she is sitting in the same room as you, if you're concerned you talk to me, not my husband about a decision I made," Steve held his hands up in defense, keeping his eyes on me, "I'm more than capable than ending Papa's life, in fact, I think I'm the one who deserves to do it, up until I died in front of you two," I pointed to Dante and Enzo, "The both of you were kissing Papa's ass, and Bucky I know you're trying to keep me safe, but I promised my father that my face would be the last one he saw before he left this earth, and I intend to follow through, I'm not much of a liar."

Bucky cast his eyes towards Steve again and Steve shook his head, "Look, her word is as much of a law as mine, she's ready for this, we're just to make sure that she doesn't get killed."

"I've got Mrs. Copolla, and Nonna Copolla on a boat to Sicily right now," Sam breathed out, and I felt the tension in my chest leave, even if I wasn't too excited to see them any time soon, I didn't want them to witness what I've become. I was no longer that sweet, docile, little girl anymore. I wanted vengeance, I wanted revenge, and I was going to get it. I deserved to get it. "They're not sure why they're going on vacation, but news will reach them of Angelo's downfall while they're there, and Enzo said Mrs. Copolla's brother is still in Sicily."

"Sí," I breathed out, setting down the lipliner, a pretty nude shade, after I finished using it, "Uncle Dominic has a vineyard there, fairly successful if I remember correctly, Nonna's been wanting to go back for quite some time now."

I traced my lips with the lipstick when Steve came up behind me, dropping a kiss to my exposed shoulder, "Enzo and Dante, you will walk into the office with Aurora," Steve's eyes never left mine in the mirror, hand hands sliding down my arms at an agonizingly slow pace, "He's expecting a meeting with her, it was confirmed this morning, but he's unaware that you two are going to be her escort, at this moment he believes that it's going to be Bucky and Sam with her, as I'm not allowed on the premises," Steve's hand wrapped around my throat tipping my head back, "I will be right outside the gate waiting for her, so if you think this is some sick trick to double cross me, I will have no problem blowing up that fucking house with all but her inside, are we clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good," Steve murmured as I wrapped my hand around his wrist, not moving him, just letting him hold my throat while I held him. "Be reminded, that she is no longer a Copolla, her last name does not match yours, she's a Rogers, through and through if you or your father thinks of even laying a finger on her that is not kind, my kingdom will rain down onto you until you are nothing but a small pile of ash at her feet, I have spent months keeping her safe, keeping her loved, and do not think I won't kill you if you think of hurting her. She will always be the most important, are we clear?"

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