Ride with me {8}

35 4 27

Friday October 13th ; 10:50 PM - 2 weeks later

The gym was lonely, only occupied by 3 girls, 2 sparring and another using her jump rope. Sweat drips down from the girl's well-fitted body as she jumps up and down, allowing the rope to sweep under her feet each time she goes up. Music fills her ears as she repeatedly continues to jump to the beat of the song.

It had been two weeks since she had been in the ring and 2 days before she was back. Things were still going smooth in the shop and the temperature wasn't cooling just yet. Grey started to focus more on fighting until she could gather the money for the car. She was going to raise half and sell the bike to get the other half. She would train everyday after work and get home around 12 AM.

Her next opponent was the second best fighter, Lyrical. She was about the same height as Grey and had shoulder length pink hair. She was known for fighting dirty and rough, always throwing the punch the second the announcer starts the fight.

Grey not only trained her body but her mind. She would watch the previous matches of her opponents, studying their every move, their routines and by the way they yelled. Some fighters have a tendency of making noise when making a certain move, and Lyrical was known for this. If you heard the tune, you'd be doomed.

Lyrical had special little rhymes when she was about to KO her opponent, all were different sayings and different moves. There were 3. She would laugh and lift her leg up, getting ready for a sidekick and yell "Goodnight! Sleep Tight!", the second was a head bump "No Face, No Case!" and the final was kneeing them in the mouth "Weak at the Knees!".

Not only did her little rhymes give her next move away, the way she would breathe and stand also did it. Grey focused on the tv screen in front of her, being able to jump without getting the rope tangled in her legs and watching her opponent. She thought back on her old fight, how she blinded her opponent.

There were 3 keys to win a fight. Desire, devotion, and discipline. Over the past few weeks, Grey focused on defeating an opponent as quickly as possible. She was able to learn the pressure points of the body, knowing to hit the perfect spots.

'A man can't stand, he can't fight. A man cant see, he cant fight. A man can't breathe, he can't fight.'


The small raindrops hit the black leather on the girls back, sliding almost immediately off due to the speed the vehicle was going. Grey loved riding in the rain, but she wouldn't push it too hard knowing her life was protected with nothing but a helmet, gloves and a leather jacket. Getting off the highway, she merges into the busy street, making her way into the dark alleyway.


Grey swerved into her parking spot, and walked towards the building. She made her way down the steps, helmet in hand. As she opens the door, quickly being filled by the familiar gym smell and sounds, she is greeted by the blonde haired girl from the front. The air was cool and thin as the AC cranked through the small gym. The window curtains hiding the bar behind them had yet to be dropped, 10:45 read on the wall clock above the window.

Today was Grey's 5th fight, being challenged almost immediately by Lyrical. It amused her how eager Lyrical was to fight her, but it was embarrassing. If she was so great, how did she never beat Fire? Grey could lie and say she wasn't intrigued, yet she felt her adrenaline rise walking into her cool locker room.


The music was muffled on the other side of the door, where Grey stood looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was tied into braids one again, she was wearing her black shorts and her white t-shirt, her arms were bare revealing the crescent moon skull on her arm. Rock and Barbie quickly wrap Grey's hand with the plaster like bandages, covering the small dragon on her hand.

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