Into !t {17}

30 4 16

A/N : Originally the chapter is a little over 9.8k words and over 40 mins so the next will have the same date since it is the same chapter, just re-published now lol. I got back from vacay and noticed soooo you can go ahead and skip to the next if you'd like. Thanks for the comments LMAO!! Please vote and keep commenting, makes my heart warm fr<3.


Gangstas & Sippas - Shoreline Mafia, Q Da Fool, YG.

THE BLACK INK CREW decided on departing early soon after the meeting and continued their night in the shop. They called up their usual guests and mixies, letting them know to pull up.

Upon arriving back at the shop, they were met with the two young boys fixing up the cars. "Hey guys? Whatcha doin?" Ash says. "Nothin' putting in an air filter. How was the party?" Kags responds to his two Capn's as Ash was under Kita's arm.

"Ass, they suck at throwing parties. They just don't do it like we do so we're throwing a small kickback right now. So you can go ahead, put that down and party with us." Serpent replies, smiling back at Tyrant.

"I-uh. It's actually like really late and I'm-" Kags replies, hoping he can go to bed. "Oh c'mon buddy. We ain't gonna hurt cha! Besides, you two crashed out last time, so you gotta make up for it." Yang adds on, now putting his arm around Kags and throwing his alchy breath in his face.

"Okay first of all, get off me. I already told you, I don't need your pukey breath on me. Grey-"

"It's Ash bud." "Yeah, that. Right." He gave the two a slightly bothered look. He still wasn't too fond of Ash's new persona and wasn't even sure he was talking with his old friend at times.

"Just do it. It's okay we're all here anyways." "Yeah, sure man. Whatever." he says, still under Yang's arm. The 4 make their way upstairs and start the night going.

Truth was Kags didn't like the Black Inks. He saw them as stuck up and over complicated. The crew however, was very fond of him. His talent was one of a kind, it was like he was all the 3 OG's in one guy. They were happy to have him.

The crew was quick to shove down 2 shots down the boy's throat. Leaving him slightly dizzy, he was by the balcony having a cigarette when Red approached him. "You don't like it here do you?"

"What? The fuck kind of question is that?" Kags looked back at his friend in confusion. "Dude. You don't call Ash by her name, you get moody when Yang tries to talk to you, and you side eye Serpent when he's with Ash." he replies, shaking his head in a mocking confused look.

"The fuck are you talking about shrimp?" "Okay you wanna do this fine. You scoff every time he puts his arm around her, you complain about Yang's breath all the time, you don't even like drinking or smoking with them. What's your problem?"

The two were interrupted when the doors swung open, revealing their favorite party guests. There were about 15 people, 9 of them being girls. "We're not done with this." he says before walking away, once again leaving Kags alone in the balcony.

"Welcome, welcome." Serpent says as he greets his guests, shaking up with the boys and kissing the girls on their cheeks. Kags can see from the balcony and quickly scoffs, rolling his eyes in the process.

Serpent was a friendly guy, if there was a pretty girl of course he would talk to her. Same with Ash. She was already pre-occupied having Rin examine her body to see where her next tattoo would perfectly fit.

The crew gathered in their snake pit, all dancing as the music blasted and echoed through the shop. They all were back in their usual clothing, remaining with their jewelry on and hair intact. As they danced, they also sang along with the old song from their youth.

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