The Nightcrawlers {16}

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Fast Car - Luke Combs 

THE MIDNIGHT CREW started soon after Maria's death. Hisamu was left heartbroken, so he went back to Miyagi for a while. As Hisamu was preoccupied with everything, Yahiro was left to run Most Wanted in which he eventually turned into the Midnight crew.

Yahiro felt blessed by God when he gave him his son. He was so grateful and spent countless hours with his boy. He had gotten with his wife when Maria introduced him. The two became infatuated with each other quickly, and were soon hitched.

Tetsurou was born just when the sun set. The sun rays filled the room making the lighting gold. His beautiful brown eyes almost seemed to be honey-colored by the sun. He was born in Tokyo, an OG city boy.

Tetsurou always loved playing sports and riding his board with his cousin, Kozume. The two boys would stay out late nights with their friends, skating through the empty roads of the city and filming tricks on their old cameras.

Ever Tetsurou could remember, his father always bashed him for the way he was ; "Jesus Christ! What the hell is that nest on his head? Do you not brush it out? What kind of mother are you?!"

Yahiro would complain about everything and anything Tetsurou wanted to try that wasn't to his liking. "Skating? Oh please Tetsurou, you're not a hippie riding down piles of wood. You are a Kuroo, a racer, mechanic, a welder."

From a young age, Tetsurou spent his childhood in the Most Wanted Shop. He always helped his dad out since he started to walk. Yahiro wanted Tetsurou to be his successor, training him to be just like him and Hisamu.

To Yahiro, Tetsurou was spoiled rotten. Tetsurou was a kind hearted child, he spent his time reading chemistry books and building his skateboards with Kozume. He never really paid attention to Yahiro when he spoke about cars or the 'golden times'. It was stupid to him.

The more he grew, the closer he became to his classmate Bokuto Kotarou. Kotarou wasn't the brightest kid in school, but loved sports. The fact he was failing his 3 important classes meant he wouldn't play in the finals.

Mr. Hashimoto being the understanding teacher he was, decided to help Kotarou by tutoring him. The teacher set Tetsurou to tutor Kotarou since he was the best in his grade, ever since the two were inseparable.

The two young boys had very similar likings, both liking skateboards and having the same music taste. Eventually, Kotarou convinced Tetsurou to join their volleyball team, this gave him a reason to stay out of the house and be away from his father.

Yahiro wasn't always abusive. It all started when Tetsurou was a young boy. As he grew up, he surrounded him with cars, he tried to train him the same way Hisamu trained Ash. Yet to his luck, Tetsurou was resistant.

As he grew older, Yahiro saw his son wouldn't budge to work at the shop. His anger grew more, the drugs in his system made everything worse. Once he was in the volleyball club, he lost it.

Tetsurou resented his father for everything, and his mother for allowing it. The two were mentally and emotionally abused by Yahiro. He had a hard drinking and coke problem, he constantly took his anger out on the two.

Yahiro beat his wife to the point where she needs assisted living. When Tetsurou finally had the guts to step up to his old man, he beat him to a pulp. "I will not have my only son destroy everything I sacrificed myself for!" He was just 14 years old.

Eventually, Tetsurou accepted he had no choice but to quit school and help his father out. He knew one day he would wake up from this nightmare, hoping his father would just go away.

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