Los Santos / A.N {19}

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A/N: As stated in the last chapter, thank you so much for reading, the comments and the votes. IDC if its a few they mean sm to me cause you take the time out YOUR day to read it and i love you for that. 

This book means so much to me because its the first one that has ever gotten this far and this many views like this is crazy. Coming back from vacation and seeing the comments blew me LOL. 

Unfortunately, I was also reached out and informed someone has been sort of copying word for word and basically the whole 'fic' :(. At first they said it was simple, the author seemed inspired by the MC. 

When they continued reading is when they noticed it was more than an idea but they seemed to take my whole character concept and basically the whole story just forming it to hers if that makes any sense.

I do not like confrontation and with my book still being under 1k views, I will not disclose who the author is but i will let her know to please stop.

So please, i understand you like it, it inspired you and i fkn love that! But also please keep in mind all the hard work i have put into it. I spent countless days and nights writing something because i fell in love with it and it was so fun for me.

You are taking MY work. Not just my character but my PARAGRAPHS and barely adjusting anything to it. Please stop, I've read the book and the others you have. If you have writers block I suggest you read books based on the setting, theme, and idea of yours instead of finding a small one and taking it for yourself.

I get it, we all get writers block. Shit, my book is inspired and has nicknames from Deciphered by honeymilktea and I made that known! So please give me my credit or I will disclose your fake persona. 

That was my main announcement, but now back to the story. <3 enjoy


Los Santos de la Famila {18}

Cigarettes out the Window - TV GRL

FOR THE PAST WEEK Ash stayed in bed most of the time, only getting up to use the bathroom, shower and eat. With the hectic events of the past week, she seemed out of it.

After leaving the hospital, Kita stayed with her. Knowing she was hurting he made sure to be there in case she needed anything. Ash reassured him she would be fine and would prefer to be alone.

As resistant as he was, he complied with the girl's request. Days later, she stopped responding to his texts and answering his calls. It was abnormal for her to stay in for so long and ignore texts. The more the days went by, she seemed to get worse.

Ash remained in bed only sleeping and barely eating. It wasn't until Kita came knocking on her door again when he noticed she hadn't been up since he left. Nothing changed, just her clothes.

Kita being the man he is, made sure she was okay and was quick to call a doctor. The doctor soon realized Ash was also ill and injured. She endured a small wound to her stomach as a result of attacking her father.

Given the wound's size, he assured she would be okay but she needed to remain in bed until the fever went down. The doctor patched it up and gave Ash pain meds. She was instructed to take tylenol for the first few days, if the pain worsened she could come back for something stronger.

Kita made sure to take care of her until she felt better. For the past 4 months the two had been in what you'd call a relationship. Ever since the Christmas/Anniversary party in Shibuya, the two couldn't keep each other's hands off.

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