Chapter 6: Why did she made me love you?

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In the eerie stillness of the night, my phone's mysterious behavior left me uneasy. Attempts to rectify the sudden blackout and numerical display proved futile. It was a moment of helplessness, exacerbated by the lateness of the hour. I could only wait, hoping for the inexplicable to dissipate.

Eventually, the abnormality subsided, and the phone returned to its usual functionality. To my surprise, however, my wallpaper had undergone an unexpected transformation. The image of my friend that had adorned the screen was replaced by an unfamiliar picture. A sense of intrusion gripped me. Had someone infiltrated my phone, meddling with its contents?

As I scrutinized my device, combing through every app and setting, everything appeared normal-except for the altered wallpaper. The thought that someone might have hacked into my phone, potentially gaining access to personal information, fueled my growing apprehension. Questions swirled in my mind, each more unsettling than the last.

Had my estranged father orchestrated this intrusion into my privacy? The very idea seemed absurd, considering he had no knowledge of my new phone number. The decision to change my contact details was a deliberate move to distance myself from a tumultuous past. So, why would he go through the trouble of orchestrating such an elaborate scheme?

The complexity of the situation compounded my confusion. The puzzle pieces of my life didn't seem to fit together, creating a disorienting kaleidoscope of uncertainties. I had sought refuge in this new environment, hoping for a fresh start, but the inexplicable events chipped away at that hope.

Memories, once secure in the recesses of my mind, now felt disjointed. The recollection of my friend's demise, a source of sadness and mourning, collided with the reality of his seemingly living presence in my recent messages. The dissonance between past and present left me grappling with a distorted perception of reality.

Closing my eyes, I sought refuge in the darkness, attempting to escape the unsettling thoughts. The chaotic whirlwind of questions circled in my mind, refusing to let go. The unsettling feeling lingered as I pondered the motives behind the bizarre occurrences.

The night that had initially promised solace became a battleground for my restless mind. The relentless questioning, the altered wallpaper, the inexplicable messages from a supposedly deceased friend-all intertwined to create a labyrinth of uncertainty.

I finally fell asleep after trying for so long.

In the realm of dreams, my mind ventured into an unsettling territory, where the echoes of a familiar voice reverberated. A voice that spoke of an inexplicable connection, veiled in a mixture of love and resentment.

"This girl is supposed to be the one I fall in love with. She doesn't look anything special, aside from those eyes. I love them," the voice resonated, laden with a peculiar admiration for my eyes.

Confused and disoriented within the dream, the voice continued its soliloquy, delving into a profound sense of frustration and existential questioning. "I don't understand why that woman would make me fall in love with you? Why did she make me the way I am? Am I really here for someone's amusement?" The voice conveyed a depth of resentment, as if trapped in a narrative not of its choosing.

Despite the dream's mysterious nature, the voice hinted at a forthcoming encounter. "I can't wait until the time I get to play with you. I hope you could last long. This time with a rope. I'll have to wait till then," the voice mused, its tone taking a darker turn.

Yet, amidst the ominous undertones, a desire for genuine connection surfaced. "But I hope you can at least make it fun for me. Make me actually want to love you, not be forced to love you," the voice expressed a longing for authenticity, a plea for something beyond manipulation.

The dream, shrouded in enigma, continued as the voice teased the prospect of mystery and horror. "Do you like mystery? This place will be filled with all kinds of mystery and horror. I love horror, do you too?" A chilling anticipation hung in the air, as the dream unfolded like a cryptic narrative.

The voice, possessing an unsettling possessiveness, revealed a determination to control every aspect of my existence. "You look so helpless when you sleep, I could do whatever I want to you. Since I'm supposed to 'love' you, I'll make sure you'll fall for me and kneel down to me. I won't allow anybody near you," a possessive declaration echoed through the dream.

As the dream spiraled into an eerie conclusion, the voice ominously promised perpetual surveillance. "Sleep peacefully while you can, who knows if you'll be able to do it, my love. I'm always watching, just like you're always watching." The dream's lingering echoes filled the void, leaving me with an unsettling awareness.

Suddenly, I awoke, jolted from the perplexing dream. The remnants clung to my waking thoughts, and the strange familiarity of the voice left an unsettling residue. It felt as if I had glimpsed into a shadowy realm where the boundaries of reality and dreams blurred.

The man's voice from the dream, though elusive, felt strangely connected to my waking world. I pondered the dream's meaning, questioning its origins and the peculiar emotions it stirred within me. The enigma persisted, leaving me with an uneasy sense of foreboding.

The following day dawned with a sense of routine settling in. As Sunday unfolded, I decided to embark on another job-hunting expedition, hoping to secure a part-time position that would align with my schedule. The streets of the unfamiliar city became my canvas, as I navigated through potential job opportunities.

However, the day yielded no fruitful results. It seemed as though the city had its own rhythm, indifferent to my quest for employment. I wandered through various establishments, filled out applications, and left resumes at countless places, yet the responses remained elusive.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cityscape as Sunday evening approached. Despite my efforts, the day slipped away, leaving me with a tinge of disappointment. It was a stark contrast to the bustling scenes of people going about their lives, seemingly unfazed by my pursuit.

With the realization that Monday was on the horizon, I resigned myself to the prospect of classes and the enigmatic program that awaited. The anticipation mingled with a sense of trepidation, as the unknown loomed before me.

Morning arrived swiftly, bringing with it the prospect of a new week. As I prepared for the day ahead, the echoes of the unsettling dream lingered in the recesses of my mind. The events of the past days had woven a tapestry of mystery, each thread leading to an unknown destination.

Yori's morning greeting ushered me into the rhythm of the institution. His perpetual smile, though comforting, carried an air of mystery. "Miss Y/n, please wake up; it's breakfast time," he chimed, orchestrating the cadence of the day.


To be continued

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