Chapter 1

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Nora's POV:-

Keep your temper under control, Nora. I repeat that mantra in my head for the thousandth time tonight. But it was no easy task. What are you supposed to do when your so-called fiancé is busy flirting with every single woman in the room?

I had been forced to accompany Kevin to the annual charity ball held by the charitable foundation that raised donations for Thalassemia patients. Yet it was clear to me that most people were here to either socialize or flaunt their wealth.

The women pranced around in designer outfits, their jewelry glimmering under the Swarovski chandeliers. Men in Armani suits shared flirtatious looks with them as they sipped on champagne.

Kevin and I were both forced into this courtesy of our families, but that didn't give him the right to behave like a complete dick toward me. I would have broken off the engagement immediately. Or never gotten engaged in the first place if it wasn't for my grandma and sisters.

Our family fortune had all but vanished since our father's death, and I needed to marry someone wealthy enough to support both me and the members of our family. I had to drop out of college because we couldn't afford the tuition. And the jobs I managed to get with only a high school degree weren't enough to give my sisters a bright future.

Kevin whispered something into one of the guest's ears who burst out laughing. She was a voluptuous redhead and was definitely about to become one of my fiances 'conquests'. The sight of them made me want to vomit. Luckily a distraction appeared at just the right time.

The people in the ballroom suddenly started whispering to each other and the women started preening themselves. The crowd parted and the most important guest for today's charity gala appeared. His was a face I had seen many times on TV and in magazines. His 'sexcapades' were frequently reported in the gossip columns.

But I had to admit to myself that the photos didn't do justice to his beauty. Maybe to use the word beautiful for a man was strange but I didn't know how else to describe a guy with such a perfect face. Full lips. His hair was so dark it was almost jet black. A straight nose and sculpted cheekbones. He was also the tallest guy in the room and probably hit the gym quite often if his broad shoulders were any indication.

Derek Osborne was the biggest patron for the charity dedicated to Thalassemia patients. No surprise as he was literally the richest man in the city if not the whole freaking country. He was a regular at charity events such as these.

" Nora, don't just stand there. Come on." Kevin has finally decided to stop ignoring me and tugs on my hand.

" Where are we going?"

" I told you the main reason why we came here was to mingle with people and find more investors for the company. Do you think it's smart to ignore the wealthiest man present here?" We should at least make his acquaintance." He all but drags me across the ballroom.

" Do you even know him? Wouldn't it sound weird if we just started talking to him without an introduction?"

" He knew my father. And who cares for an introduction? In the business world, you have got to be proactive. And try to smile for once, please. That poker face you have on all the time wouldn't do." I try to resist the urge to smack Kevin on the face.

But in one way he's right. I do unintentionally come across as the 'ice princess' at times. And if Kevin's business success is linked to my family's future I will have to cooperate.

I catch a glimpse of myself in one of the gilded floor-to-ceiling mirrors decorating one of the walls. It shows a blonde woman in an inexpensive black off-shoulder dress What's clearly visible is the sadness in her green eyes.

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