Chapter 16

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Nora's POV:-

Warily I step closer to him. Derek claps his hands and suddenly music starts playing from speakers hidden somewhere I can't see. It's some sort of classical music that I have never heard of.

" Dance with me," Derek says and pulls me close to him. He doesn't even care to ask.

Before I can say anything his arm wraps around my waist while he holds his hand in mine.

"Did you call me here just to dance with me?" I say incredulously.

" I called you because I wanted company. Besides the people who work for me, there are few who actually know that some of the things I do are not exactly 'legal'. You are mysterious and for some reason, you entertain me. I would like to spend more time with you." He twirls me around and I nearly ended up falling on my face because I was stubbornly trying not to move.

"Is it so bad if you try to humor me and dance? God forbid you might end up enjoying yourself." He smirks at me.

"That day when I had that accident you told me in your office that you were no longer interested in me. Now you are saying that you want my company. What changed?"I try to make an effort to follow his movements. My parents wanted me to learn how to dance but I was never interested.

"Let's just say that your accident and that day when you came to return my money made you interesting to me again. In fact I am more interested than ever." He leans closer to whisper in my ear and it feels so sensual that I shiver involuntarily.

"What are you interested in?" I say breathlessly.

"Spending an evening with you like this. I will pay you 30,000 dollars per week. All you need to do is spend a few hours with me each day."

His words leave me so stunned that for a while I just stand there gaping at him like an idiot.

"I am not some object you can buy. Why the hell are you even doing this?" I am praying to God that Derek doesn't say he's paying me to sleep with him.

"If you are thinking what I know you are thinking I am not the type to pay for sex. I always want my bedmates willing. It would be an insult to my ego to chase after a woman for sex let alone pay her for it. I just want to spend time with you like today." He gives me a lazy smile.

"There's got to be a catch or something you get out of it." This sounds way too good to be true.

"Must you always be so untrusting?" He gives me the puppy-eye look. Except it's like a lion pretending to be a kitten. I am not fooled for a second that he is anything less than dangerous.

" You are the guy who threatened to kill me and my family not so long ago. If I remember correctly you said you would kill them first so I would get to suffer a bit before I meet my end. Because I fear their deaths more than mine." As I say these words I suddenly feel stupid for coming here. I try to back away from him but his grip is too strong and he pulls me flush against his chest.

"That was in case you went to the police. But you didn't so you have nothing to fear." He says casually.

I am so angry and hurt at the lack of remorse in his words that tears fill my eyes.

" You said you will take back the painting and disappear from my life forever. I think you should keep your promise. I have to go." I somehow manage to pull myself out of his grasp.

I see the frustration and anger on his face but I quickly turn away from him and start to walk away.

"Fred escort the lady downstairs." I hear Derek say to someone and the same man who had brought me to the penthouse appears in front of me.

A Lovely Obsession ( Billionaire Romance Novel )Where stories live. Discover now