Chapter 10

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Nora's POV:-

" What do you mean Nora? You don't have to do anything! It's not your concern whether Pierce Industries goes under or not. It's not your duty to get involved or try to convince Derek Osborne to change his mind. If you are thinking of going to him and trying to persuade him, forget it!" My Grandmother's voice is shrill and worry is etched on her face.

" I have to at least try Grandma. All this time I have been worrying myself about my sister's future. I refused to let Jonathan Pierce or any outsider treat us like a charity case and support us financially. But it's clear it's not enough. Now that I know Jonathan is Nadine's biological father if he wants to support her financially in any way I won't stop him. But he won't be able to do anything for Nadine if Pierce Industries goes bankrupt. I am not interested in Nadine's inheritance for myself. But if I have one less person to worry about that would be great. I will only have to concern myself with Nigella's future." I get up and start pacing the room, my mind already going over what to say to Derek.

" What makes you think he will even listen to you? And even if he does it's not worth the risk. This man is more dangerous than you think he is. I don't like to talk about the past but I knew his grandfather. He was a terrible man. His son wasn't much better either. I might never have met this Derek Osborne. But I know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I don't want you to further attract his attention."

" I just want to talk to him grandma that's it. He was going to invest in Pierce Industries. It's only because of me that he refuses to do so. I think he wants me to grovel a bit and maybe he will change his mind." I come to stand in front of her.

" He doesn't just want you to grovel. A man of his nature will make you his prostitute! What are you feeling guilty for by the way? We raised a child who wasn't even one of our own while her actual father enjoyed his life with his wife and legitimate child. We have already done enough for Nadine. I love that girl and have always treated her as my own granddaughter. But you share my flesh and blood and I won't let you put yourself in danger for Nadine's future."

" If Nadine were your flesh and blood would you still tell me not to try reasoning with Derek?" I ask feeling sad that she indirectly implied that Nadine wasn't as important to her because she was adopted.

There's silence for a while as Grandma just stares at me wordlessly as if she couldn't come up with anything to say.

"Just stay away from Derek Osborne, Nora. No ifs or buts." She says after a while and leaves the room.

I toss and turn in bed the whole night thinking of what I should do. I didn't want to admit it to myself but sending both my sisters off to college as soon as they graduated high school was impossible. One of them would have to give up going to college at least for the next couple of years.

If Jonathan left behind some sort of trust fund or at least enough money to fund Nadine's education I could make sure Nigella also got to attend college. I needed to talk to Jonathan about the will and whether Kevin knew about it. Most of all I needed a miracle to happen and Derek to show some mercy towards me.

The headquarters of Osborne Holdings is situated in a pair of two super skyscrapers so tall that I get a crick in my neck from looking up at them. There's tons of security here and I feel intimidated as I pass through the walk-in metal detector.

The receptionist eyes me incredulously when I tell her I am here to see Derek Osborne as if she can't believe that a mere peasant like me could have anything to do with him. Nevertheless, she reluctantly calls Derek's assistant or whoever takes care of his appointments.

The asshole makes me wait for at least three hours. I spend my time looking around the waiting area and marveling at how sterile and pristine everything is. Even the people who come to work here are perfectly put together and there's not even a crease in their pricey business suits.

The entire decor is in colors of grey, white with some black furniture here and there. Light pours in through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that give a view of the bustling street outside.

I am so exhausted from waiting that I am about to give up and head home when the bastard finally decides to see me. My anxiety goes up as I ride the elevator to the top floor. It feels like forever when the elevator doors finally open. My palms are sweating as a guy in a black suit and spectacles ushers me into Derek's office.

For a second I just stand there marveling at the magnificent view of the city skyline that I can see from here.

" Like the view?" I flinch when I hear Derek's voice.

I turn and spot him watching me sitting behind his desk. It's on a slightly raised platform and makes you feel like he's a king sitting on his throne and you are a humble subject in his audience chamber.

" I needed to talk to you," I say trying to keep my composure.

" I can see that. " He says laughingly.

" I know you hate me for some reason even though I have never done anything to you. But please keep Kevin out of this. I know you are not investing in Pierce Industries because of me." I am almost about to say that I will do whatever it is that he wants me to but stop myself at the last moment. I am here to cool his anger off and I am ready to grovel but not anything more.

"Contrary to what you think I am not refusing to invest in Pierce Industries because of you. I just think it's a bad investment. Secondly, I don't hate you. I just like seeing the fear in your eyes. Playing with your emotions gives me pleasure." He smiles and I realize with horror that it's true. He doesn't hate me. He's just a pure psychopath and a sadist who gets off on playing mind games with me.

" Why? Why me? What can I do to make you stop? You mentioned something about a party. If you want me to come then I will. Just please don't do this to Pierce Industries." I have never begged before. Having been told all my life to keep my head high makes it next to impossible. Instead of sounding desperate my voice comes off as demanding instead.

Derek starts laughing out loud at my words. The sound is both terrifying and beautiful at the same time. The asshole has a beautiful voice. Everything about him is elegant and poised even the way he gets up and walks over to me. I have to force myself not to step back as he comes to stand in front of me, so close that I can smell his expensive perfume.

" You think I care about some stupid party? I only wanted to see how afraid you were of me when I said those words to you last time. Turns out you are not as brave as I thought you were. You act all prideful around me yet you resigned from your job at Jean Georges." He sneers.

" Yes, I am afraid of you. You got what you wanted. Please don't let Pierce Industries go under." I whisper feeling ashamed.

" Since when did you start caring so much about Kevin and his father's company? Hmm?" He says softly, pushing a lock of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear.

" His father has cancer. Jonathan Pierce won't be able to take it if he loses his company."

"But there's more to it? Isn't it? What are you hiding from me?" He trails his finger down my throat and tugs on the collar of my shirt.

"He's like a father figure to us especially my younger sister Nadine." I give him the half-truth hoping he wouldn't notice I am not telling him everything.

" You are asking me to throw away a huge amount of money on a company I am not even interested in investing in. That's quite a huge favor isn't it?" He's still playing with the collar of my shirt and for some reason, I can feel heat pool between my thighs at the action.

"What can I do to convince you?" The desperate plea spills from my mouth before I can stop myself.

"Now we are talking. " His eyes gleam like that of a hungry predator before he tugs me forward toward him.

A Lovely Obsession ( Billionaire Romance Novel )Where stories live. Discover now