Chapter 15

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Nora's POV:-

I am on pins and needles all day. I am finding it hard to focus on work. I keep glancing at the clock anxiously anticipating when my shift will end and I will be forced to make a decision. The decision about whether to accept Derek's invitation or not.

It should have been a simple decision, especially for someone as cautious as me. I should not go to Pegasus Towers like he asked me to. I should pretend that he didn't exist and hope that he forgot about me.

After a grueling day working behind the cash counter, my shift finally ends. My boss keeps glaring at me with his beady eyes and his mere presence is enough to make me uncomfortable. It makes me miss my old job at Jean Georges more than ever.

When I finally left the shop I breathed a sigh of relief. And then I feel my heartbeat grow faster as I see that there's only a half hour left before 6 pm.

I tell myself that I am only doing this because I want Derek to leave me alone. I tell myself that even if I did not go to him if Derek wanted to see me he probably would. He may even come to my house and scare the shit out of my family. Grandma would probably have a heart attack at the mere sight of him.

I keep trying to list all the reasons that I should go as my feet magically move in the direction of the subway station. I don't want to listen to the voice inside my head that tells me that I am going because I simply want to. That I know very well that even if I went to see Derek today there was no guarantee that he would fulfill his promise to leave me alone.

There's a feeling of guilt that I keep trying to suppress. It's the sort of feeling that you get when you are doing something forbidden and don't want to admit it's wrong.

Before I know it I am standing in front of Pegasus Towers. The building looks even more beautiful as the sun sets behind it. For some reason, I get this illogical feeling that what I am about to do is going to change the course of my life forever.

" Miss Jones." A broad-shouldered man in a black suit approaches me.

" Mr. Osborne is waiting for you. Follow after me please." He beckons me to walk with him.

I take a deep breath before I follow him telling myself that it's just a meeting. Nothing more than that. What do I have to lose? If Derek wanted to kill or torture me he would have done that a long time ago. He didn't need to invite me. He could have just had his men kidnap me.

"Is he waiting for me at Jean Georges?" I ask with dread. Somehow I felt conscious about being seen with Derek at my old workplace.

I knew about what my former colleagues would assume. That I was working at the restaurant just so I could snag a rich man and I had left my job because I was Derek's new toy.

"No madam. He's at the penthouse." The man says matter of factly.

The lift doors open and I step outside momentarily blinded by the rays of the setting sun falling onto my face. They're coming from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a breathtaking view of the city skyline. The penthouse is an embodiment of luxury and sophistication. And there's something almost unreal about how opulent it is.

Modern gold glass chandeliers decorate the ceiling, a huge electronic fireplace burns in one corner. The cream carpet beneath my feet muffles my footsteps as I look around. It's the sort of home I would have wished for myself.

"Madam this way." Derek's man leads me outside to the terrace.

I see Derek looking out over the city like a king observing his territory. His black suit stretches tightly over his muscular shoulders as always. There's a contemplative expression on his face. I realize that the reason why every woman is mesmerized by his appearance is not only because of his looks. It's because of the sheer poise, confidence, and charisma he exudes.

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