chapter fourteenth

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Joliè's pov

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Joliè's pov

'What the hell just happened?' I thought as I stepped outside and looked around for Ashton.

I was hoping she had not left yet as I was not totally sure what happened in there, but I knew she had either a panic or anxiety attack.

I knew the signs well and I was honestly very worried about her. I had to make sure she was okay.

I made my way over to the cars and saw Ashton sitting inside of hers. I gently knocked on the window to try and get her attention without startling her.

"Ashton, is there anything I can do for you right now?" I said once she opened her window.

She shook her head and I could see the unshed tears in her eyes that made me really sad, but I kept a neutral face.

"No I don't think so, I'm really sorry about cutting brunch short. I was really enjoying our time together"
She said with a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

I wanted to ask her what had happened, but I could see that she did not really want to talk about it.

There was no way I was going to cut our time together so short though. Not after she just had that attack. So I tried to think of ways to extend the time.

"It is totally okay, it will just make dinner that much more enjoyable. I was hoping maybe we could take a walk somewhere, is there a park nearby? If you are up for it that is"

She hesitated then looked back at the restaurant. She tensed up when she saw the male and female looking around the parking lot before looking back at me.

"Um yeah, but I'll meet you over there. It's five minutes away. I've gotta leave right now though"
She said as she put her seatbelt on quickly.

She started the car and was about to pull away when the male stood behind her car. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Merdé! Are you trying to get yourself killed? She's about to pull out!" I spat at him because I was not about to watch someone die.

'Americans and their careless actions' I internally rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Ti, please talk to me!"  The male rushed around the car and started knocking on her window.

I quickly pulled him away from the car and looked at Ashton. "I will meet you there"

She nodded and pulled out quickly while I looked at the guy.

"What the fuck! Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled turning towards me.

I stared at him without saying a word, because I had so many questions. I will not allow a man to intimidate me or disrespect me, nor disrespect my friends.

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