Chapter One

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Jayfeather lashed his tail, hissing furiously at the Ancient.

"You let me break the stick, and then you tell me you fixed it?" the blind blue tomcat screeched, his voice rising dangerously.

"I have magic, young one. StarClan aren't the only spirits," Rock rumbled indifferently.

Jayfeathe panted as he started to pace, his tail whipping angrily.

"I had resigned myself to seeing her when I died, perhaps every now and then," he snapped.

"And now you tell me you fixed the stick, and somehow that means I can just pop in and say, "Oh, hey Half Moon?" he growled.

"I didn't say I wanted you to go," Rock pointed out, the mirror image of calm, even with his odd furless body.

"But now I know I can," the gray medicine cat muttered darkly.

He thought of ThunderClan, and Half Moon, even now weighing his options. He loved the Ancient leader so much-but didn't ThunderClan need him? Alderheart could be such a fool sometimes, he wryly reflected.

Like feeding cats deathberries! Perhaps if the same things that had been wrong with Puddleshine happened to a kit, and Alderheart went and fed him deathberries, the kit might die.

No, Alderhearts not that stupid, he argued with himself. His apprentice was capable...but ThunderClan didn't need anymore drama. They had enough, without one of their medicine cats falling into a stupor for the rest of his life.

But Half Moon, the annoying part of his brain persisted. She wasted her life waiting for you. Can't you at least go see her?

"Shut up, for the love of StarClan!" Jayfeather snapped outloud, glaring at everything with his blind blue eyes.

Jayfeather twisted to face Rock, snatched the Stick from him, and dragged it into the surrounding forest.

He would store it somehwere safe, and if Rock ever showed up while he was looking for herbs again, he'd ignore him.

Feeling better with the prospect of not seeing Rock again, he went back to camp, after leaving the stick wedged under a holly shrub.

He pushed thoughts of a beautiful white she-cat with gleaming green eyes out of his mind and focused on sorting herbs.

ThunderClan needed him.

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