Chapter Three

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Half Moon attacked Jayfeather with licks and nuzzles, her loud purr rumbling loudly in the otherwise silent cave.

"Jay's Wing, I missed you so much," she whispered, pressing close beside him.

Jayfeather rubbed his jaw along her neck, murmuring in turn, "So did I, Half Moon."

While he still disliked aspects of having sight while he visited either StarClan or the Tribe, he couldn't say that he didn't like looking at Half Moon. Her white coat shone like the stars, and her eyes were always so expressive.

They stayed like that for severel moments that were both silent and incredibly loud until she asked him, "Are you here to stay?"

She didn't bother asking him how he got there; she suspected he wouldn't answer that question.

Jayfeather twisted so he could meet her steady, gleaming eyes.

"Yes," he breathed. 

"I'm here to stay. Forever."

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