Chapter Five

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Eight moons later

Jayfeather hissed in annoyance as he heard Rising Moon's suggestion; he knew what to do better then her.

Half Moon's mother was well used to his personality by now, and so she didn't bat an eye at his surly reply.

Jayfeather ran a paw over Half Moon's side and said, "Feels like two more; you'll be fine, Half Moon..."

There was already a mewling kit in Rising Moon's paws, a she-kit that Jayfeather had instantly adored when he saw.

His mates white pelt rippled again and she gave a groan as she bit thestick in her jaws; it crumbled. Stupid to-be, he thought, annoyed at whoever had picked out the stick.

A tom kit plopped out, and Jayfeather passed him along to Rising Moon.

Another ripple and a few hisses later, two tom kits and a she-kit were nestled at Half Moon's stomach while their parents watched in disbelief.

"We have kits," Jayfeather breathed.

"Kits," agreed Half Moon in a whisper, leaning forward to nuzzle Jayfeather.

She adjusted the position of one and then lay her head down contentedly, closing her eyes.

Her vision of a family and a loving mate had finally came true.

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