Chapter Two

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Half Moon, also known as Teller of the Pointed Stones, or her shorter title, Stoneteller, watched the reflection of her face in the puddle, not quite looking for visions.

Her thoughts were wandering, and though her gaze was trained in the direction of the pool, she was really seeing the image of a gray tabby tom with endearing, clear blue eyes.

She often thought about Jay's Wing; it was hard, living without the tom that she had grown to love.

The white she-cat sighed and murmured his name softly, "Jay's Wing, how I miss you...."

The image in her mind opened his jaws and padded forward, twining his tail with her own and purring.

Half Moon fiercely longed for kits, and though Jay's Wing had said he did as well, he had still left.

She wondered if she would see him when she died and went to walk in the spirit cat's sky's; or would he still be leaving, going to save cats or whatever he did?

Chasing away her bitter thoughts, she shook her head and fluffed out her pelt, giving it a quick grooming while she prepared to go check Lion's Roar's paw; the young tom had cut it on a sharp rock the other day and then worsened it when he refused to be treated and continued to walk around. Half Moon had to threaten him with the posibility of infection, in which case the to-be would be confined to the cave until it healed completely, and then he had sunsided.

Rising up, she turned and froze as she saw what lay before her.

The handsome tom cat looked like Jay's Wing.

She sniffed. The scent was right.

And then he breathed, "Half Moon," with his comforting voice, and she gave a loud shriek of, "Jay's Wing!" before rushing over and throwing herself at the cat she had so dearly missed.

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