Chapter Four

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Half Moon watched the Tribe swarm Jay's Wing, asking him loud, nosey questions.

The best reaction was Dove's Wing's; she gasped and then threw herself at her brother, frantically licking him and furiously hissing that he was never allowed to leave ever again. She had been glued to his side until she had grudgingly allowed the other cats to greet him.

Lion's Roar and his sister were badgering him with constant meows about if they had really met him and if he could show them how to hunt an eagle, while also snickering about how jealous their two brothers would be when they came back from hunting.

Chasing Clouds and the older cats seemed content with Jay's Wing assurance that he wasn't leaving ever again, and though a few shot him doubtful looks, they didn't outright say anything.

Meanwhile, Half Moon was so happy she couldn't concentrate on anything but imagining a future with Jay's Wing.

They would be mates; she knew that was something that they were both totally clear on. And kits! Nothing would make her happier then to have her own squirming litter of furry things with her mate.

Eventually, after the questions had been answered and some of Jay's Wing's novelty had worn off, Half Moon escorted him back to her den, where they started talking.

About everything.

The Tribe, how they were managing, what was new....each other. Half Moon gathered the courage to ask him if he wanted kits; he had said yes and then added a withering remark of, 'couldn't you have guessed, mouse-brain?'

They talked about names for their future kits, what they would look like, how many, tom's or she-kits...everything.

Now, Half Moon glanced at the tom beside her as he told her something hat she wasn't focused on. She wondered briefly if he really would stay the whole time, but then shook it away with a lash of her tail; of course he would.

"Half Moon? Are you okay?" Jay's Wing asked, nudging her with his muzzle and peering into her green eyes with his own blue ones.

She gazed back at him and purred back, "Perfect."

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