Chapter 13

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"Hey guys, and today I will be playing Minecraft with my lovely girlfriend, Avril," Jordan says to the camera.

"Haiiiiiiiiiiii!" I say. I feel awkward... Like I'm talking to no one. But I know, once Jordan uploads this, millions of people will be hearing it.

"We have already started it, er, I mean AVRIL has already started it and given me stuff that she found. How sweet," he laughs.

"Because how awesome of a person am I?" I ask.

"A very awesome person."

"That's what I thought," I smile, even though no one will see it.

We play for a while, finding 4 more diamonds. I make us each pickaxes and Jordan's about to make two diamond swords. "Stop!" I say. "Diamond only does a half heart of damage more than iron. It's not worth it."

"But diamond will last longer."

"Yes, but what happens when we run out of diamonds and our swords break? We have plenty of iron, and can get more," I point out.

"I like your logic, I'll make an enchantment table, then," Jordan says.

"Sounds good,"

We play for a bit more, and he does his outro. He tells me he has to render out the video and then it's ready to upload. Then, he asks me if I want to come over. Without answering, I hang up on Skype, and walk over to his apartment. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Your girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend who?"

"Your girlfriend who's about to walk in," I open the door, and sit next to him.

"That wasn't a very funny joke," he complains.

"Too bad," I smile and hug him. We talk about house arrests, YouTube, and other stuff until the video is done rendering and ready to upload. We watch as the video gets comments upon comments, likes and dislikes, and the views, until it all slows down.

"Jeez, Jordan. Your subscribers really are loyal. Oh, I have to do something.... Be right back." I run to my apartment, get on my computer, and go to YouTube. I figure Jordan deserves at least one more view, like, and comment.

I end up falling asleep on my computer. My head decides it would type "fgtvhds" Okay.


Kay. .-. I'm bored. My brother just got home and changed the channel to sports >:c FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I hate older brothers :p now I'm gonna go watch adventure time. See ya.

Bai guise cx

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