Chapter 18

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*Avril's POV*

"Jordan is Kate's now. He doesn't love you anymore... I told you it would happen." I hear from the speaker.

Just shut up. Please? Can I have some silence to think about this? I have to save Jordan; to get out. He loves me... He would never go for that bitch Kate. Wait, so her name is Kate. Well, you probably shouldn't have said that, mister. Now it's just easier to get her arrested... If we are in her house... It's just that much easier to find her.

I just keep saying WWJD. No, not "what would Jesus do," I mean "What Would Jordan Do." Well, I mean, he would be thinking of a way out. Staying positive. Always looking on the brighter sides of things.

But thats the thing I just don't understand, why? Out of all the people in the world. Why would it be me?

I look away not wanting to watch what she does to him. Before I know it. The crazy man comes in the room and puts a blindfold on me. Like a smart person I don't struggle or fight. I stay still, hoping I'm being lead free, but I know that won't happen.

Now I'm in the soundproof room with Jordan and the bitch. The man takes the blind fold off and chains me to the wall. Across from my loving Sparklez.

"Jordan, I love you," I say in sign language. I don't know if he understands sign language. But it doesn't matter as long as it can be one of the last things I do.

He responds surprisingly. He uses his hands to say "I love you too Avril," He does it so fast I could barely understand what he meant just because that girl was all over him. Get off, please, we are trying to have a civilized conversation.

I can't believe he knows sign language... This could get us out. We can make a plan using entirely sign language. I tell him my idea.

"Earlier, I saw the girl with her phone out. We just have to get that, and we're home free," he says. "But, thes only one logical way I can think of how we're going to get that."

"Where IS her phone?" I ask using purely hand gestures.

"Sometimes in her back pocket."

"Okay, so when you see it, knock her out and get it."

"My hands, Avril. They're kind of chained to a couch."

"Jordan, if your hands were chained to a couch, you wouldn't be able to do sign language."

"Touché," he laughs then covers him mouth.

I love how he can stay humorous throughout any situation. No matter how bad the future looks. We will be getting out of here. We will.


Lololololol school today. Now we only have a day and a half for school XD I'm gonna type during class, because, hey, I REALLY DON'T GIVE TO CHAINSAWS :D

Not even two chainsaws were given.

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