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AN: heeeeeeeey... been a while. I've had this chapter half written for like, ever, but with Gojo NSFW week and some irl family shit going on, I didn't feel like writing for a while. But I looked the other day and realized how close this is to the end of part 1 and I really do want to finish this story!

I've also been brainstorming another dramatic college au fic in my spare time 🤭


March 2012

You're running late - class got out late, and then you wanted to go back to your dorm to take a quick shower. You would normally just do that at his place, but you also needed to finish packing a few items for your weekend getaway.

Satoru was able to talk his parents into letting him use their vacation home in Okinawa. Apparently, they have a few to choose from, but the beaches are supposed to be amazing and it's close enough that you can go there for the weekend without having to spend too much time traveling back and forth.

From what you've gathered, this is a trip Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, and Utahime plan every year. They were partying and hanging out one night, and spur of the moment Satoru wanted to get away and have some fun elsewhere so they jumped on a plane and spent the weekend there.

It's a little cold this time of year, but you guys will make the most of it nonetheless. It'll be nice, getting away, spending a relaxing weekend with your boyfriend and closest friends, not having to worry about school or anything else getting in the way.

When you walk into the off-campus house, your eyes immediately land on Satoru, leaning against the wall with his little round sunglasses covering his eyes. He turns and smiles as you walk over, wrapping your arms around his waist and giving him a soft peck on the lips.

You apologize for being late, but nobody seems to mind. It's still early enough in the day that when you arrive in Okinawa everyone will have a chance to unpack and relax before heading to bed.

While everyone does a few last-minute checks to make sure they have everything they need, you hear a crisp high-pitched laugh come from the kitchen that makes your skin crawl.

Your eyes lock with Satoru's while kissing your teeth in automatic annoyance.

"Oh boy," Utahime sighs heavily as you wait for an explanation as to why Mei is walking into the living room with her suitcase in tow.

"Dude... You didn't tell her Mei was coming?" Suguru states grimly before you have a chance to say anything.

You tilt your head to the side, incredibly annoyed, "You knew she was coming and didn't say anything?"

Satoru shrugs, "I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Sukuna invited her, not me."

Your unamused expression is obvious as you quirk your eyebrow and glare at Sukuna from across the room. He grins, sharp canines on full display as he laughs quietly to himself, mischief in his eyes.


An irritated sigh leaves your lips but you decide to let it go. You were hoping to have a good weekend with your friends, and you're still determined to do that, despite this little ... hiccup.

The plus of dating someone who comes from an incredibly rich family, means there are times when you get to reap the benefits of his families hard earned money.

Case in point: taking their private jet to Okinawa.

And how could you possibly complain when being showered with complimentary champagne, spacious seating, and plenty of time to start your relaxing weekend?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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