You Can't Make Me Do A Chapter Title!!!!!

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FOR A FEW THRILLING MOMENTS, it felt like Percy was winning. He sliced his sword, arai dissolving into dust before his very eyes. He reached out with his powers, causing the demons to explode in gruesome displays of blood and flesh every time he pulled. Every time one of the demons disintegrated or exploded, a new curse settled upon him.

Some were sudden, a stab in the gut, a slash across the arm. Others were more subtle, a crushing sensation, a chill in his blood. He swore that one even made his eye twitch. Seriously, who would waste their last breath cursing someone to have a twitchy eye??

Percy had killed a lot of monsters, and maybe even some demigods, but he'd never really thought much of it. He'd always done it to protect his friends and family, and besides, the monsters would just reform in Tartarus either way.

Now, their pain and hate were pressed upon him as he felt their last words, their curses towards him. His body ached and his strength was slowly draining. For every arai he killed, three more took its place.

Percy slashed through another row of arai. He screamed out loud as a curse set in, tearing open a wound in his leg. Messily, he forced the blood to keep flowing, to form a scab.

It worked, but in his distraction, another demon clawed him across the face. He yanked its blood and it exploded. He felt his mouth burn, his blood boil. He fell to his knees, gasping and watching with pain.

You have chosen. The curse of Phineas. A good, painful death. Hissed the arai around him.

Of course. The old seer with the weedwhacker that he's challenged to a bet with Gorgon's blood. As the crazy old man had died, he must have cursed Percy, and it certainly wasn't an eternal eye twitch.

Do not press your luck. When your death comes, I promise it will be more painful than Gorgon's blood. Gaea had warned him after his victory.

Now, here he was, dying in Tartarus from a combination of Gorgon's blood and a thousand other painfully agonizing curses.

No. This wouldn't be his end. For one thing, it was lame and embarrassing. For another, he'd promised Annabeth he'd see her again. That was a promise he was determined to keep no matter the cost.

As the arai gathered around him, they hissed gleefully.

His head will explode first

No, he'll combust all at once

He listened to the demons bet on how he would die, what kind of scorch mark his body would leave on the ground.

"Bob. Please"

Percy didn't expect him to help. The Titan knew the truth, and Percy was certainly not his friend.

He opened his eyes, determined that if he died, it wouldn't be as a weak little boy. As he did so, he began to see the truth of the pit.

The air was the breath of Tartarus, every single monster, just a blood cell circulating his body. All he saw was a dream of the primordial during his eternal slumber.

What he saw of this place was just the Mist, a watered down version he could handle. This must have been how Nico had seen Tartarus, and it had nearly destroyed him.

Nico... just another person Percy had neglected. The only reason he had made it this far was because Nico di Angelo had taken care of Bob, acted like a real friend.

Do you see the horror of the pit, Perseus Jackson? Wouldn't you rather die than endure this nightmare? The arai said soothingly.

"I'm sorry." Percy whispered.

See? You admit it. The pain, the suffering you spread. You apologize to the children of Tartarus! The demons exclaimed in delight.

"No. Bob. I'm sorry, I... I should have been honest with you. Please. I know I don't deserve it, but I need your help. Please Bob."

He didn't expect Bob to hear him, and even if he did, it was unlikely for him to help. He has been horrible to so many people, neglected them, hurt them. Bob, Nico, even Calypso. He should have checked in on her, even if he had no choice but to leave. He hasn't even thought much about her, despite the Moonlace he'd planted in his mother's window box.

With what was remaining of his strength, Percy pushed himself to his feet even as his insides felt like they were churning inside a volcano.

If he was going to die. He was going to die fighting.

Just as Percy raised his sword, the row of arai in front of him dissolved into golden dust.

Bob seriously knew how to use his broom-spear. He swept the weapon back and forth, destroying arai with every slash.

After only a few seconds, all that was left were piles of demon dust and the occasional splatter of blood on the ground. The remaining arai had fled, flying off into the darkness with shrieks of terror.

Percy kneeled on the ground, overcome with pain. Bob approached him.

Bob fidgeted with his name tag. "Iapetus. Before Bob, it was Iapetus."

"Yes. But I like Bob better. Which one do you like?" Percy muttered. Even if he was going to die, he wanted his friend to be happy. He hoped that maybe he'd be able to help his friends.

"I don't know anymore." Bob said sadly, staring at his feet.

He kneeled next to Percy, his eyes solumn, showing the weight of his centuries of life.

"I promised. I promised Nico I'd help. Percy has been nice to me. I don't think Iapetus or Bob likes breaking promises."

"Look Bob. I know I hurt you. But please-." Percy cut off.

"Stop." Bob said. "They are approaching."

"The titans and giants?" He asked, although he was sure that he already knew the answer.

He froze. He'd thought they were miles behind, but they had stopped several times, enough, it seemed, for them to catch up.

"Yes. Percy should go. He is hurt. Bob will protect Percy"

"But Bob. I can't ask this. I hurt you. Why do you want to help me?" Percy asked, astounded.

He couldn't let Bob get hurt. Enough people had died for him, to save him, to help him. Not Bob too, not when he's already hurt him so much.

"Percy was good to Bob. He is a friend. Bob will protect Percy." The Titan repeated.


"Say hello to the sun and the stars for me."

Before he could even argue the point, Bob took out his broom and rushed into the distance, ignoring Percy's pleas to stay.


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