I was walking around the school until I got a message from Ozpin to meet him at Mountain Glenn with my team so I forward the message to the others and tell them to meet at the landing pad at the front of the school. I return to the dorm room and quickly change before jumping off the balcony onto a building and arriving at the landing pad where I see the others waiting at a bullhead with Raven.
Altaïr: Shall we get going?
Y/n: Yeah, don't wanna keep Ozpin waiting.
We board the bullhead and it flies off away from Beacon and toward the southeast where our hideout was.
the bullhead lands at the abandoned city of Mountain Glenn. The six of us departed the bullhead and walked to the secret entrance to our hideout in the underground part. We go down the entrance until we enter the hideout where Ozpin was seen waiting for us.
Ozpin: Ah, you have arrived. Come, I have a mission for you.
We all follow Ozpin to a room that has a chalk board. We all pull our hoods down and look at the board which was sat next to Qrow
Ozpin: I will allow Mr. Branwen to formulate the plan.
Qrow: Hehe, why thank-
Ozpin: Not you, Qrow. Y/n will be planning the mission.
Y/n: May I ask what this mission is?
Ozpin: It is a recovery mission. In an Abstergo compound in the far south. All I can provide you with is the buildings layout. I will leave the rest to you, Mr. Branwen.
Y/n: Thank you, Ozpin. Now, by the looks of the layout the target is here.
I motion to the 183rd floor of a 350 floor building. I have Altaïr and Connor to scout the buildings layers with their eagles for entry points, Ezio and Edward would take out the guards patrolling the outside and once that is all clear we breach into the building, kill any Templars within and retrieve the package before leaving.
Assassin 1: Intruder!
Assassin 2: On the ground!
I turn and run out to see RWBY with their hands in the air surrounded by assassins.
Y/n: *sigh* What the fuck do you think you're doing here?
Yang: We-
Y/n: Was I asking you? No? So shut the fuck up. Blake, why did you follow us?
Blake: We saw you run to a bullhead so we quickly jumped onto the bottom of it and held on for dear life until we arrive at Mountain Glenn where we saw you guys go into a secret entrance so we followed you in and now we're here.
Edward: Well, now that you're here we can't let you leave.
Yang: What!? You can't keep us here!
Ruby: Just wait until Ozpin hears about this!
Ozpin: Oh, I believe I've seen and heard enough.
Ozpin walks out of the shadows with his damn hot chocolate.
Ozpin: And I agree with them. You are not leaving.
Weiss: You're one of them?!
Ozpin: Ms. Schnee, may I remind you it is your own faults you are in this position and it is your fault you are not allowed to leave until we come to an agreement.
Yang: We'll keep out mouths shut about this! That good enough?!
Altaïr: No.
Blake: Why?!
Altaïr: Blake and Weiss, I trust you both. Yang and Ruby, after what you did to Y/n, I wouldn't trust you with a fucking rock. It's a miracle Blake and Weiss are still friends with you two.
Y/n: Kassandra, Alexios, would you please cuff our friends and take them to our holding cells?
Kassandra: Ναί (Yes). Come on now.
Kassandra cuffed the four of them and guided them to the holding cells with Alexios. Ruby pleads to me for help but all I do is watch with some satisfaction on my face.
Ezio: *sigh* We can't keep them here forever.
Y/n: No. But we can have them agree to keep their mouths shut about everything they saw here.
Edward: Can't we just, y'know...
Me makes a motion of gunning Yang and Ruby down with everyone's weapons while Blake and Weiss are let free.
Y/n: As much as I want to, we need to keep them alive. For now, you four get some rest, we'll be leaving in the morning.
They nod and leave to their respective houses while I walk toward the holding cell that RWBY was being held in. I open the door and walk in to see them sitting on separate beds.
Y/n: Blake, Weiss, I'm sorry for what happened back their. It's just we don't like to be followed and you weren't meant to be here.
Blake: You're an assassin?
Y/n: Have been since I ran. Raven adopted me and gave me a family that really loves me.
Yang: You consider people who swore secrecy over your own family?
Y/n: They are my family, Xiao Long. You consider yourself something you never were.
Weiss: Why did you hide yourself then?
Y/n: Ozpin has suspicion some of the students may be Templar spies.
Ruby: Uh-
Y/n: Right, none of you know what that is. And it will stay that way. The reason I came here is to make a deal.
Blake: What about?
Y/n: You all keep your mouths shut about this. You don't tell anyone
Yang: What do we get in return?
Y/n: I won't put you through the hell you put me through. I'll let you all decide on your choice.
I walk out of the holding cell and back to my house. When I arrived I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes falling asleep on a familiar bed I had missed.
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Assassin's Creed: Remnant
ActionAssassin's Creed male reader x RWBY I do not own RWBY or Assassin's Creed