t w e n t y n i n e

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Insecurities were always embedded inside of me It didn't matter how much someone would compliment me I still felt less than what I should but Jacob..he made that all go away because every time he called me beautiful I knew he meant it..he helped me build this wall that shielded me from feeling any hurt that anyone threw at me..but lately it's been hard to keep my wall up because no matter how much I build and rebuild it someones words always somehow manage to tear it down and this timeI think I'll let it fall because I'm tired of rebuilding.


I snapped out of my thoughts and focused my attention on Maya

"Did you hear me? I asked you something."

"No I'm sorry what?"

"I said it's beautiful isn't it." Maya repeated

I looked out the window and saw the city shining brightly the fast moving cars, the tall buildings, and those lights the beautiful city lights adorned the darkness that hovered over the city perfectly.

"it is." I smiled "Very."

"Hey sel.."

I looked at Maya and she had her eyes staring deeply Ito mine

"This isn't going to be easy." She spoke referring to Jacob and I "But you have to stay strong for Jacob and mostly for yourself. Those girls are going to say things that will make you want to end your life..but don't let it get to you. Stop reading the comments. Stop worrying so damn much about others opinions and focus on yours. Don't let someone else's negligence effect you and who you are because this fan base will eat you alive if you let them but don't let them get the benefit of the doubt just keep swimming."

"Thanks Dory." I smiled laughing at her 'finding memo' reference

"Any time Marlin." Maya said winking at me I closed my eyes and leaned on her shoulder.

"Maya I don't say this enough."

"What?" She whispered

"I love you."

"I love you more Selena." I felt her rest her head on top of mine and I smiled because I honestly don't know what I'd do with ought Maya she was the one person who could actually make me keep pushing forward in life..when things get hard like this


"Wake up sleeping beauties!"

"Just one more minute." I groaned

"You can get plenty of sleep at the house get up!" Jacob said as he snatched off the blanket Maya and I were sharing

"Jacob if you ever do that again in your life I can promise you it'll be last thing you ever do!" Maya harshly threatened as she snatched the blanket back and stood up.

"MAYA!" I yelled that statement
waking me completely up "don't talk to my baby like that!" I reached across the seat and pulled Jacob into my arms and I could feel his heart rate beating faster than it normally did

"Your hearts beating very fast did she scare you that bad?" I laughed

"No, It only beats like this when its beating for you." He murmured

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