t w e n t y s e v e n

179 12 17

I pulled away from Maya and rested my hands on her shoulders she had her attention focused on the floor

"Maya look at me."

She slowly lifted her head and I noticed that her eyes had become bloodshot red from all of her crying

"I never knew how you felt.." I started "I honestly thought that you were just jealous of j-"

"You what?" Maya angrily asked her teeth gritted tightly "Me? Jealous of you?" Maya scoffed "Selena don't you ever again even fix your mouth to even use my name and the word Jealous in the same sentence! There's nothing you have that I could possibly want but if I did that I could get all the things you have with ease."

"Except for a relationship.." I mumbled

"Get your damn hands off of me." Maya yelled as she pushed my arms off of her "but you know the difference between me and you is I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not to get a relationship."

My hands fell limp by my side as I stared at Maya with nothing but pure rage in my eyes.

"And I don't need no relationship to make me happy and I damn sure don't need you to do it either!" She continued

"If you didn't need me why did you just come and pour your heart out to me?" I questioned

"Because you needed to know!" She stated "I've never felt so disgusted to be in your presence Selena you're worried about me being the bitch? I think you've got me beat."

Maya turned away from me and pulled open the bathroom door before she walked out she stopped and turned around

"Oh and Selena." Maya called "I accept your apology I just don't accept this new person you're becoming."

Before I could say something back she walked out of the bathroom I ran a hand through my curls and stared at myself in the mirror..I didn't believe I was changing but of course others can pick up on what you don't.

I washed my hands off in the sink and rinsed my face with some warm water I sighed deeply taking one last glance at myself before I walked out of the bathroom

I noticed Jacob was walking towards the door he was more than likely going to say that he was worried about me, and ask me if I was I Okay.

As I approached him I was smothered in questions The questions were coming faster than I could even process to answer.

"Selena there you are! I was worried are you okay? Did you get hurt? Why are your arms red oh goodness did y-"

"I'm fine! I'll explain everything on the plane lets just go."

Jacob and I walked back to the plane loading station in silence we collected our bags out of the lobby area and passed security check with ease minus the fact that the man threw away my chips because apparently there were "food services" available on the plane.

Jacob and I arrived on our flight about five minutes before it was prepared to take off once we were on I saw Nev sigh out of relief.

"I thought you guys weren't going to make it and they wouldn't let me off to look for you two." He exasperated

"Nev we're fine just calm down." I gave his shoulder a small squeeze and he shakily smiled at me

"Selena what seat number do you have?"

"Umm.." I said sparing time so I could look at my ticket number "twenty."

"Damn." Jacob grumbled "I'm 17."

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