t w e n t y o n e

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"I'm soooo over this!" I exclaimed as I laid across my bed sighing

Maya laughed "These boxes aren't going to pack themselves get up!"

"I need a break." I groaned rolling over on my stomach

Maya sighed once she realized I wasn't going to budge she laid on my bed next to me relaxing as the deep silence between us marinated through the air.

"Selena." Maya finally called

"Hm?" I answered rolling over on my side so I was looking at her

"Did you really, really, really think about this?"

"Um..yeah." I hesitantly answered because I had not really put deep thought into this I was just following my heart.

"And you're sure you want to do this?" Maya asked continuing her questionnaire

"I'm positive."

"Selena please be honest with me why do you want to move like seriously?" Maya asked

"Because I just think it would be a great experience you know a new place means new opportunities..new friends, new food, new everything."

"Are you sure it's not just you acting out of love?"

"Huh?" I questioned sitting up

"I think you're just acting out of love." Maya truthfully stated "Not because this is a new experience but because Jacob asked you too..and you just agreed because you love him."

"How could you say that? If I was acting out of love the first time Jacob asked me to move I wouldn't have hesitated I would've packed up and didn't even care to even ask you how you felt about it I could've just been like hey Maya were moving because Jacob loves me and he asked me too!" I yelled defending myself

"It's not that simple Selena..think about it all those words Jacob and Nev told you somehow convinced you to change your mind and you know why they did? because they re enhanced your memory of letting you know that this was your one in a lifetime chance to be with the love of your life."

I remained silent listening to Maya speak

"I still dont believe you want to go because you want to go I think you want to go because Jacob wants you too and you don't want him to hate you because you know how he acted earlier." Maya paused as she looked at the ceiling "But who am I to tell I don't know tho only you do so let's just finish packing up these boxes were leaving soon."

Maya got up off the bed and I followed after her we continued to pack the boxes along with Jacob, Nev, Max, and some of the camera crew also helped out while everyone was packing I was completely distracted Maya's words were haunting me because everything she said to me was true I was vulnerable to Jacob anywhere or anything he wanted me to do no matter how much of a fight I may put up for him or anything else I would always do it because I love him. I mean that is what love is right? Willing to take risks for someone or putting their needs before yours? I don't know but whatever it was if it involved Jacob I would do it.

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