s e v e n t e e n

371 21 13

There were soft knocks on my room door

"Whoever it is go away!" I shouted and soon returned to the position I was in curled in a ball with my face buried deep into my comforter.

"Sorry I can't do that.."

I recognized the voice it was definitely Nev.

As the door closed I heard Nev's footsteps get closer to my bed I listened in as nev pulled my desk chair out of its current position the chair drug across the floor before the noise came to a complete halt. it was silent before he spoke again.

"You want to talk?" He asked

"Do I have a choice?" I responded as I uncovered my face which I was absolutely sure looked horrific from all the crying I had done however, Nev didn't comment on it he just stared at me his lips parted slightly and he sighed before he spoke again.

"I um talked to Jacob."

"What did he say? He hates me?" I blurted out quickly, too quickly actually.

"No." Nev laughed at my inquisition "if anything he thinks you hate him."

"How can I?" I asked "I knew what I was getting myself into the moment that I started that page God I'm such an idiot. Maya..told me countless times to stop but I didn't listen how could I? when Jacob was the only boy that would take time out his day just to make me happy when he was barely happy himself. I think that's what I liked the most about him." I smiled

Nev smiled as well but that smile quickly faded he licked his lips before saying "You know he's um having second thoughts."

"About what?" I asked confused

"He's hesitant on whether you're trying to use him like India did."

"What the hell?" I yelled loudly "How could he even think that I would do something like that to him?"

"Well–he did get catfished twice." Nev said as he cleared his throat

I held my mouth open because it was true

"He's still upset about me using someone else's pictures isn't he?" I asked calming down

"He's not upset about that he told you that. Selena he's just worried."

"He doesn't trust me? Is that it?" I asked sadly

"I didn't say that."

"You might as well had!"

"How can I Selena?" I looked over and saw Jacob standing there although I couldn't see his eyes because they were shielded behind his dark shades I could still feel them piercing into my soul.

"What do you mean Jacob everything I had for you was real."

"Everything you had? Or everything you have?"

"I love y-"

"Bullshit Selena.." Jacob scoffed "because if you loved me you would've packed up everything without hesitation the moment I asked you to-"

"Jacob stop." Nev said as he stood up walking towards Jacob

"Jacob are you not realizing that that's a big ass decision?" I shouted standing up from off of my bed

"And do you not realize that there is a big ass world out there? I want to show you it!"

"Well what if I don't want too see it! What if I like just seeing this everyday!"

"YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY NEED TO STOP!" Nev yelled scaring the both of us "We came down here to finally make this moment memorable for the both and you guys are throwing it away over something so simple you're just wasting my time and yours."

"You know what Nev you're right I was hoping this would be the like the perfect story tell ending but I came to the conclusion that all fairytales just don't have a happy ending." I spat

"I guess they don't.." Jacob spat back

Nev sighed heavily

"Selena you're stupid." Maya said as she brushed past Jacob to get into the room "I didn't not spend two years and damn near 4 months listening to you ramble on about Jacob for you to throw it all away now. He went to great lengths to see you and look at you guys being so harsh and vile towards one another it makes me sick." Maya paused as she looked at the both of us "All of this over some silly disagreement? You guys both love eachother Jacob I get it you're scared of being hurt again but you're afraid of Selena the girl you LET into your life hurting you? God, I'm sure she'd pay to hurt someone else before she even could fathom a thought of hurting you.."

"She's right." Nev implied "Jacob you've got to push your fears behind and I know it's not easy but how do you ever expect to be happy in a relationship if you can't even trust the girl who busted her ass helping you get back on track?"

"And you," Nev said turning his attention towards me "I get that you don't want to leave your life in Virginia behind but you should be more open to taking risks I'm going to keep Jacob here for two more days and that will give you and Maya time to elaborate on if you want to stay or if you want to take Jacobs offer but until then you think you two need to talk alone."

Jacob sighed running his hand through his hair, he took off his shades and looked at me

"I'm guessing I'm sorry is the right thing to say first?"

"Well, that's definitely a start." I said as I smiled slightly

Catfished. [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now