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Isaac drove home and got Teddy out of the car and into his baby bouncer seat, with the dangling toys he had twirled around with a simple spell.

Isaac got to work getting the groceries out of his car and into the house, he put everything he didn't need away in their appropriate places so that he only had the things he needed for dinner out and ready to cook.

Whilst he was cooking his record player magically turned on and a son from Queen started to play, his father's favorite song actually.

It was also the song that his parents first dance at their wedding to.

Somebody to love by Queen.

Isaac danced and sung the song as he prepared his meal.

This was the first song his father played the night that they first spent together in 13 years.

Andromeda had allowed him to have a sleep over with his father who had taken to staying at Grimwauld place.

The first night they spent together was amazing.

They sung Queen, they danced, they ate shepherd's pie, that even talked about their best and favorite memories.

Those were the good days, before all the other drama set in.

Once he was sure his food was done, he made sure that he had everything ready for him to eat and went about making a plate for himself.

It took him about thirty minutes to eat.

When he was done he used his magic to start the dishes and place the leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

He made a quick bottle and scooped Teddy up from his bouncer seat before feeding him his dinner.

When that was done, he quickly washed the bottle out and then went upstairs to conquer bath time.

Whilst Teddy wasn't adverse to baths, it didn't mean he didn't put up a fuss about them sometimes.

He hoped that tonight wasn't one of those times.

Whilst he set about making sure the bath was to the right temperature, he also decided on what onesie Teddy should wear to bed that night.

He decided on a onesie that was a light blue with flying little snitches on it.

Something that Teddy godfather and Isaac's best friend Harry had bought for the little tyke.

Teddy of course had loved the little article of clothing since he tried to repeatedly grab at the snitches that moved.

Isaac figured it would help his motor skills develop so he let Teddy wear the pajamas at least once a week.

He of course had many types of outfits, but his favorite pajama set wasn't actually the snitches one believe it or not.

His favorite outfit was one that Tonks had got him.

The outfit had little moons and stars on them which glowed in the dark and moved.

The clothes were the last outfit that Tonks had put him in before she died.

Once the outfit was ready, Isaac went about undressing Teddy, quickly and placing the young boy in the little baby tub that was placed in the sink.

The water was just right, not too cold, and not too warm.

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