First Date pt. 1

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Isaac nervously waited for the clock to strike 5 p.m.

That was when he told Rosalie she needed to be ready, so that he could pick her up and take her on their first official date.

He had never planned a date before, so he was very nervous about what Rosalie would think when she learnt of his idea.

Isaac had heard many stories from his aunt Andy about his father's many conquests throughout his six years of schooling before he'd gotten the courage to ask his mother, Marlene, out in their seventh year.

Apparently, his father had only truly dated like two people before he and his mother settled down, and that was only for a few months each.

His father's first date with his mother, as he remembered his father telling him, had been a bit of a mess.

Given that they'd both gotten detention once the date was over.

See, his father had the brightest idea to take his mother out to muggle London, and have a date like he'd heard his aunt Lily talk about, and heard that Marlene had wanted a date like that.

The thing is, this was Marlene and Sirius.

The two most chaotic students at Hogwarts besides James Potter.

His father didn't truly tell him or Harry how, but the date ended up with his father and mother in muggle jail.

His granny Minnie had to come bail their arses out of jail, and the two had gotten over a months worth of detention.

But that was how they also fell in love and knew that the other was the one they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.

Now Isaac didn't want to end up in jail like his mother or father did, but he did want this date to be absolutely perfect.

Or as perfect as it could get.

He wanted a romantic relationship with his soulmate, he wanted her to fall so deeply in love with him, as he had already started to do for her.

But if she decided that this relationship wasn't for her, then he'd hoped to be an amazing friend to her.

You see, Wixen Soulmates were complicated.

They didn't have to be romantic at all, they could be platonic, like best friends, or familial like siblings or parents.

A Wixen can also have more than one soulmate bond, but only one romantic bond.

He believed Rosalie was his romantic bond.

He could just feel it in his heart, that she was the one for him.

He already had a parental bonded soulmate.

He hasn't even expected it to happen, but sometimes from the moment they'd first met, up to now, he had formed a bond with Esme, a parental-child soul-bond.

Which is exactly as it sounded.

She was basically, by all intents and purposes, his magically recognized, mother.

He hasn't met his platonic soulmate yet.

And he didn't know if he ever would, they might not even be born yet, but hopefully, one day he would meet them.

He'd only known if one person who met their platonic soulmate. His father and his uncle James.

The two were the definition of platonic soulmates mixed with familial soulmates.

Their bond was strong, and he'd hoped to one day have a bond like that if he met his platonic soulmate.

But for now, he had a date to get to.

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