CHAPTER 7 -- ThE UnexpecteD...

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Chapter 7- The Unexpected

The van hurtled through the night at breakneck speed. His vision was close to nil in the pitch black darkness.

Suddenly the van jolted as it hit something hard and very solid. His head hit the steering wheel as he was flung forward. He screamed out for help, but the night was silent...

He made a last ditch attempt to turn away the van from the accident, but the ground gave away under it and he felt himself sinking into the cold, wet water that gave the chills, and he knew he was going to drown...

His eyes snapped open and he glared at the handsome man before him wearing his trademark grin as he held a now-empty jug of water, which, judging by Wuxian's wet bed sheets and night suit, had just been emptied on him.

'Wangjiiiiiii!!!' he screeched. 'How many times have I told you to stop coming into the bedroom unannounced?'

Wangji stood looking at him with interest.
'I stopped counting after the week before last, love,' he said grinning. 'You say it ten times before going for breakfast, another dozen or so during breakfast and about a hundred times before you go to sleep. And my answer will be the same- go to sleep before 2 am and I won't ever bother you again.'

'Why the hell do you care?' Wei Wuxian growled as he stepped out of his wet bed. 'Because it's bad for your health,' he said, grinning. 'And speaking of which- no more caffeine for you. You'll have milk when you're living with me- I don't care what you drink at your office. Now come to breakfast before you get late- and for god's sake fix your hair. You look awful.'

Wangji smirked at Wuxian's shock and obvious anger as he stalked out.


Muttering about obnoxious, controlling nutcases, Wuxian brushed, showered and dressed. He paused to glance at himself in the mirror to see if his hair was all right. He didn't know why- he hardly ever did.

Midway through the breakfast- which, unfortunately for Wuxian---did contain milk- that too a plain white one--- Wangji spoke. 'I need to ask you something,' he said, sounding unusually serious.

Wuxian looked up at him. 'Yeah?' he said grumpily.

'Can you remember what you were screaming about in your dream?' he asked Wei.

Wuxian looked at him in surprise. Wangji's eyes were perfectly serious. It had been a nightmare, but worse than usual. There he goes, now he'll psychoanalyse me, Wuxian thought glumly.

'No.' he snapped.

'Wuxian, don't lie to me,' he said at once. 'I could help you.'

Wuxian looked into those compelling greyish- eyes and forgot himself. 'I- er- got into an accident in my dream,' he said. 'And then my van crashed into a pond... I think. I can't remember anything else.'

Wangji's face grew solemn, as he seemed to consider Wei's words.

'You know, it could mean several things,' he said with a forced lightness. 'I mean, it could just be a manifestation of your fear of an accident- and of course you can dream about water because I wet you-'

'I haven't ever dreamt of the water part,' Wuxian said in a low voice. 'It's always the accident.'

'What?' he said disbelievingly. 'How long?'

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