CHAPTER 17 "HealinG WoundS...?"

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WARNING : Contains Mature Stuff..Not for children. You have been warned. I won't rate this because no one cares for that anyway...!


Chapter 17 : Healing Wounds?

'You asked me about my siblings,' he whimpered. 'I said I had none other than Yanli ... Guess what? I had a younger brother...Ning .'

A tense silence followed this pronouncement.

'I see,' said Wangji carefully. 'And- you remember everything now?'

'Yes,' Wei Ying whispered. 'Oh, God, Wangji---I know you probably think I've kept this from you, but I swear- I swear I didn't have any recollection of this, and I don't know why-'

Wangji's fingers played with Wei Ying's hands. His forefinger traced the inside of Wuxian's wrist. 'Of course I believe you,' he murmured. 'But what are these?'

He was tracing the faint whitish scars on the inside of Wuxian's wrist. Wei stared at them. 'I did it,' he murmured softly.

Wangji's head shot up, his eyes furious, but he said nothing.

Wuxian drew in a deep, shuddering breath.

'Look, I- there was a time- I didn't want to be living anymore,' he mumbled. 'I let him fall, I let him die- it didn't seem fair.'

Wangji said nothing. His gaze was on the scars. 'I wanted it all to end,' Wei said haltingly. 'To be stop the pain. I used one of the blades-'

The memory of the scene flashed before his eyes.


He was crying silently as he touched the sharp edge to his wrist. Suicide was wrong... he had heard that often from his jiejie ... But surely, a few cuts could bypass her notice...right?

Wuxian pressed it against his own skin, dragging it for an inch or so. The skin looked raw and red.

Ignoring the shot of pain which jolted through him , he merely repeated the action, lips pressed tightly together to avoid crying out in pain. Three or four times, he dragged the blade across the path, finally breaking skin and drawing bright red blood.

And it draw away the pain from his soul. He looked down at the spattering of bright red on the fair skin, and suddenly he felt exhilarated... liberated...that he was purging his sins...releasing the pain...

Smiling, he positioned the blade again, now convinced that this was a good thing...watching the red liquid seep out of the skin...and he felt a strange contentment.

He should do this more...

-End flashback-

'I think I was slightly mad,' Wei said, uncaring of the lone drop that slid down his almond eyes, past his right cheek, onto his chin and then on Wangji's hand.

Whereas, Wangji had gone very pale. 'And what happened...after that?' his voice was barely audible.

'I forgot to clean the blade,' Wuxian whispered. 'Yanli saw the blood, and she guessed...she forced my ... take me for therapy.'

Wangji swallowed. 'Did it help?'

'No,' Wei shook his head, answering softly. 'I don't think so... I was so terrified of the psychiatrist. She was creepy. She had a creepy smile, and she was-horrible...'

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