CHAPTER 9 -- TransposE.....

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I dedicate this Chapter to my dear Nana. Thank you @DBDavenport8
so much for your beautiful comments. They constantly inspire me to do better. 🤗❤️❤️

Chapter 9 : Transpose

Wuxian glanced over at Wangji, before checking himself and going back to writing down notes.

Wangji was reading a fat book but clearly his mind was not in it. Wei noticed him often looking worried the past week.

He was slowly coming to the conclusion that Leena was right, which worried him more than ever.

Wangji was supposed to be his friend. He could not let this funny feelings over rule his logic and his mind. Every time Wangji smirked cheekily at him, his intestines would somersault. Sometimes their hands would casually brush when they would work together in the kitchen, and every time Wuxian's skin seared at the contact.

And lately he did been meeting Wangji in his dreams. He always woke up immediately and wrote for a solid hour before he could go back to sleep.

'Wei ? Wei, are you alright?'

'Huh?' Wei said, looking up to see Wangji watching him.

'Is something the matter?' he asked Wuxian. 'You look tense.'

'I...I....' he cast about wildly for a retort.

'I should be asking you that,' he snapped at last. 'Every day You come looking pale and worried. You frown when you're not even interested in that book, even though you want to be.'

Wangji looked at him in confusion and surprise. He had clearly not expected that.

'Yeah, you aren't the only one who can notice.,' Wuxian snapped, feeling irrationally angry. What was wrong with him?

'I'm afraid, ' Wangji said quietly.

Wuxian, who had gone back to his notes, at once looked up. Wangji was looking unusually vulnerable. Wei wanted to go up to him and smooth the frown lines on his face. It would be nice to trace that mouth.....Shoot, Wei, no! Shouted his mind. He schooled his expressions at once.

Wangji stared off into space, looking worried. 'It's Penny,' he said at last. 'I-- I don't know if I can help her much.'

Wuxian stared at him. Who the hell was Penny?

'Oh-- that thirteen year old I told you about,' Wangji said, seeing his expression. 'You know--the one who--'

'Lost her family in an accident ten months ago, yeah,' said Wuxian. 'So what got you so worried? She's Only a child, she should be easy. '

' She is my youngest patient, Wei,' said Wangji, letting out a breath.

'And, goddamm it they contacted me after ten whole months! Wei what if --- What if I'm too late? What if I can't help her? She's only a child. She should be enjoying her life, not trying to attempt suicide every week!'

'She-- what?' asked Wuxian, horrified.

Wangji turned away from him. 'It's not helping, Wei,' he said, sounding defeated. 'I'm not helping, in all these two months since I told you. She acts sweetly to me, smiles, and talks-- and her eyes-- they're dead.'

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