Chapter 3

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We talked on the phone for what seemed like hours.  I eventually had to get back in my bed, the chairs in the kitchen were not the most comfortable in the world.  I was into her story and laid in my bed twisting my hair as I listened intently to everything she had to say to me.

She had been with her boyfriend a little over three months when she realized that she was pregnant. Her boyfriend had stood by her, which I guess was one reason it was easier on her, but she told me no, most of the time her boyfriend just complicates things more than they should be.  She explained how she struggled to keep her relationship with her boyfriend and still get the baby what ever she needed. I repetitively asked why she was happy when she never got to be a normal teenager.

 I really wanted to know more in depth about this, I was about to go through it myself and I needed to know a secret so maybe I wouldn't think of my baby as something that ruined my life. Then she said it. She said something that finally opened my eyes.

 "The baby didn't choose to be here. It was an accident, but even accidents need a chance to live and try to make it in this world." Her sweet southern accent thick with every word.

I had never really thought about the baby being a person. I always seemed to think of it as an object that had to be taken care of, but this this one girl changed my whole perspective on my pregnancy. I was no longer dreading the fact that I had to do everything. I was excited that in just four months I would be meeting this little person that would love me for the rest of her or his life. Five months ago me and Damien laid under these same covers and changed my life forever. 

Now these covers seem to have seen another change, tonight no tear will escape my eyes until I can no longer hold them open.  Tonight those tears will be replaced with happiness that will send me strait to sleep and I wont worry about it. That is if we ever get off the phone.

I learned so much from just being on the phone with her. I had a feeling that we were going to become good friends. I knew that I would be learning a lot by meeting her daughter. I needed all the experience I could get before my baby is born.  Finally at four AM, we got off the phone. She told me to save her number, and to call anytime. I decided not to go to school the next day because I was too tired, and I had to be up for my doctors appointment today.  I was actually excited. So after programming the third South Carolina number into my phone, I slept. It was the best sleep I had in a while.

When I finally woke up it was 12:24 and I had to rush to get ready for my doctors appointment. Looking in my closet I chose the new sundress mom had gotten me when we realized that the summer clothes we though we had were not going to be enough for the south. It was a pink and blue dress with a flower patterns. I had to look good today. I was finding out the sex of my baby, and I was actually really excited about it. As soon as my mom walked in the door to get me I was ready, and we were back in the car in no time. She seemed surprised and even more surprised when she asked if I had taken my vitamins and I answered "yes".

 Mom seemed to notice the excitement in my eyes and asked what was going on with me. I told her it was nothing I just really wanted to know what the baby was.  Up until now I hadn't really been to excited, and she usually had to drag me to the doctor as well as constantly remind me to force down the pills that were big enough to choke a horse.

We finally made it to the doctors and I got signed in. For the first time I noticed how excited I really was. I had never been nervous about a doctor's visit before, but today I found myself questioning whether the baby was going to be all right or not. I never wished something was wrong with the baby but I never fully got emotionally involved as I was now. Not to mention I frequently forgot my prenatal vitamins.

 How could one conversation change so much of my life. Then as I was sitting there wondering that the nurse came out.

 "Ms. Harper it's time to find out what that baby is."

 I nervously got up went to the room was weighed, measured, poked and asked for a urine sample. After they got that they wanted more.  They were taking my blood to check for anything because I was gaining a bit more weight than I should and also measuring big. Next month I had to take a sugar test and drink this god-awful drink to make sure I didn't have diabetes. Honestly I didn't know what the drink would taste like, but from what mom said it wasn't a pleasant drink.

 After all that I got fully undressed and put on the awful blue backless gown they had laid out for me. Sitting there with my mom was not as awkward as it usually was and we were actually having a conversation about the baby when the doctor came in.

 "Well Ms. Harper it seem's you are in good spirits today are you excited to find out what the sex of your baby is?" Said Dr. Hidley as she put my my chart on the table and sat on her stool.

 "More than you know" I said excitedly.  I laid back and the lights went out. I was ready. On came the sonogram machine.

 "Good lets get started then."  She noticed that I was more interested that usual and that seemed to bring a smile to her face.  One look at my tummy though, and that quickly changed to a Stearn face that I was used to seeing.

 "They say that your measuring big and gaining a little more weight than expected. How is your diet?"

 "My diet is great mom won't let any junk food even cross the doorway of the house."

 "That's good you need a good balanced meal three times a day with healthy snacks in between."  She had been telling me this for months now, but it was not important till now.  I didn't even want to drink caffeine anymore, because I knew it was bad for the baby.

 "Yeah I know I just can't help craving chocolate and ice cream."  Cravings were cravings though, I needed my ice cream and chocolate bars.

 The gel was cold and it shocked me into awareness of what was happening. For the first time I had truly seen my baby. It no longer looked like an alien that had invaded my body. I could make out the head and eyes, and arms, an- wait! Was that three legs. Oh my god was something wrong with my baby?

 "Doctor is that a third leg or am I just seeing things?" I asked nervously as I raised my upper body toward the screen.

"Please lay back down so I can see your baby."  This made me nervous.

 She stood there for a few minutes looking at the monitor and moving the machine over my stomach and then she smiled and said "Congratulations Harper looks like your having twin girls, which means your weight gain is expected. You still have to take the diabetes test next month, but this is a good sign that you do not have it."

 I swear my mouth dropped to the floor. I was only kidding about twins when I laid in bed last night rubbing my tummy. I just thought I was getting really fat. I couldn't believe it was happening to me why was this happening. I finally got used to the idea of having a baby and now I was having two. What was I going to do now?

The doctor left and my mom went out to let me get dressed. She seemed just as worried as I was.

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