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"Anna" My brother raises his voice knocking on my bedroom door

"Hold on" I say placing my makeup brush down on the vanity table before rushing to open the door

"Can you hurry up? You know this dinner is very important to mom and dad. Yet you're taking years to finish your makeup." He dead pans waiting outside the door

" I know I know" I say hurriedly applying my mascara

" okay I'm ready" I say grabbing my heels, making my way out the door and down the stairs

" Why are we even going to dinner again? "

" Really Anna ?"

" I'm sorry I've got so much on my mind with school I forgot" I say putting my heels on 

" They said they having important to tell us I'm not sure" he says grabbing his keys

The car ride to the restaurant wasn't very long, before I knew it we had arrived

Upon arrival I began to feel nervous, considering the fact that I didn't know what the news was. Hopefully nothing bad.

Im already pretty stressed out . Due to it being my last year in college, I'll be graduating soon and I have a major essay due by the end of the trimester, If I don't pass I won't be able to graduate and if I don't graduate all my hard work will be for nothing. 
I literally begged my parents to let me go to college I can't screw this up or I'll be a failure and they'll probably try and marry me off to some old man with money to keep me busy.

"Alright come on" Antonio says opening the door for me

"Wow what a gentleman" I say sarcastically

"Oh hush I'm always this nice to you" he says as we enter the restaurant heading straight for our parents

"¿Te dije que esta cena era importante y aún así llegas tarde?" My father said as we sat down
( I told you the dinner was important and still you show up late?" )

" papá lo siento, tenía una tarea que hacer" I said
(Dad I'm sorry I had an assignment to do)

"Está bien mija, pero la próxima vez debes llegar temprano"
( okay darling but next time you are to be on time)
" okay papa" I say before looking at the menu

" okay okay cut the bullshit what's the news ?" My brother said

" Well your aware business hasn't been very good lately, we're losing more and more money and we have no support"

"Okay but I told you I'm working on it papa-" my brother says

" You're not working on it fast enough, day by day we're loosing money and we can't ensure the safety of our own people anymore"

" So I've made an agreement with the Italian mafia"

" What!?" My brother raises his voice

" Antonio don't raise your voice at your father!" my mother buds into the conversation

"Mama I'm sorry but our people don't get along with the Italian mafia so why would you make an agreement with them ?"

" Antonio you are going to be the next Don after your papa but don't forget your place. We are the parents! We make the decisions not you" my mother raises her voice

" enough, don't you dare question my decision. I've made an arrangement with them and Anna is to be married to the Don by next week"

" wait what?!?" I raise my voice

" There's no way im getting married to a stranger. Have you not heard of the things they say about the Don of the Italian mafia ?"

"Anna" my mother says looking at me sympathetically

" but papa I'm older. Why can't it be me" my brother says

" we've already signed the papers Anna" my mother says

Me and my mother have always been close especially because growing up I was home schooled so she was practically my only friend up until high school. She knows almost everything about me, the things I like, the things I don't like, what I'm going to school for, the things I'm planning to do after college, what my dreams are, almost everything. So the fact that despite her knowing all of that she still decided to agree to this arranged marriage just hits home. I've  always despised the thought of an arranged marriage. My parents had an arranged marriage and it somewhat worked for them I mean they have two healthy children and they love each other but me personally I'd  like to be marry outside of the mafia and my mother knows that. I wanna get married to the person I love. Not some random man my parents chose for me . I wanna fall in love with the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with, have children,and enjoy everything life has to offer

from what I've heard about the Don of the Italian mafia, he cannot offer me that .

" your to be married by next week, I don't know what to tell you"

Tears began to flood my eyes

" you forged my signature?!" I began crying

" what about college ? My future ? Everything I wanted to do"

" that will have to wait" my father says

This chapter was pretty short but don't worry the other chapters will be longer.

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