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The next two chapters after this chapter are strictly 18+

2 weeks later...

Anna's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since the trip and finally we're home in Italy.

Lorenzo's mother invited us over for dinner and of course I'm forced to go because I'm the don's wife.

"Miss, Lorenzo's waiting for you" One of Lorenzo's men come knocking on the bedroom door

"okay okay I'm coming"

Tonight I decided to wear a short tight red dress that clung to my body like a glove, the dress was a gift from my mother that enhanced my pear shaped figure and made my small chest look perfect. I didn't do any makeup today but I put on some mascara and lip gloss before leaving the house.

Lorenzo was waiting in a tuxedo looking good as always, which I'll admit even though I hate his guts.

The car ride to Lorenzo's parents house was quiet and filled with tension.

We hadn't talked much since the trip and honestly it was killing me. I missed our little conversations even though they weren't the best, I missed getting on his last nerve, I just missed him.

And deep down inside I know he misses me too but our pride has gotten the best of both of us.

When we arrived to his parents home we didn't speak nor did we share one glance.

Upon arrival his mother came outside to greet me with a hug and kisses, followed by his father.

"It's great to see you again Anna and as always you look absolutely gorgeous, doesn't she son" his mother said

"Ovviamente mama" he spoke in Italian
(of course mama)

And for the first time tonight he looked at me, his eyes skimmed over what I was wearing

"Enough talk bring in the food" his father said breaking the tension

"Yes yes" his mother said before the food was brought out

As we all began digging into our food Lorenzo's mother proposed we say the night.

"Is that necessary mother ?" Lorenzo said

"Why not?"

"of course we'll stay the night" I said

"Great" his mother said happy with my choice

After dinner I excused myself and went up stairs to the guest bedroom we'd be staying in.

I showered and undressed before making myself at home.

Later Lorenzo joined me in the room.

He showered and changed into a tank top and some sweats. Instead of joining me in the bed, he placed a blanket over the small sofa and the end of the bed.

That's it I'm done playing this game

"First you send mixed signals, then you avoid me the whole 2 weeks we've been home from the trip, and now you don't wanna sleep next to me in bed ?"

"Whats wrong with that ?" he smirked

"what wrong with that ?" I said sarcastically

"Did you forget I'm your fucking wife?" I raised my voice

"No but I'm pretty sure you forgot I was your husband when you were all over Drew" he said backing me into the wall

"That was 2 fucking weeks ago Lorenzo" I said

"So this is why you've been acting like this ?"

"Why do you care so much ? I thought you hated me?" He mocked

I hated that arrogant little smirk, I know I'm feeding his ego and it's killing me.

"I do"

"But do you ?"

"Yes" I pushed him but he didn't budge

In this moment I realized how close we are, his large tall body hovering over mine, dominating me in all aspects.

Instead of arguing back he leaned down and kissed me.

any other time I'd pull away but this time I  kissed him back hard.

Lorenzo groaned through the kiss, I part my lips allowing our tongues to brush, his lips soft and full against mine.

The kiss gentle at first then gradually more hungry and rough.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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