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Anna POV:

We'd finally reached our private villa, it was pretty late and Lorenzo was already visibly irritated.
When we reached their was a small, grey haired old women waiting for us, she showed us around and handed Lorenzo the keys. She seemed a bit frightened by Lorenzo's presence, I mean I don't blame her. Lorenzo's presence it self was a bit intimidating.

I'm hoping this honey moon will bring Lorenzo and I closer. I'm tired of arguing with this man.

It's like a never ending war, I'd never win and I refuse to continue living this dreadful life.

As Lorenzo showered I wandered around the home. I felt a bit uneasy, hence Lorenzo's men all stood around the villa. Watching over me as if I was some type of pet. Something that needed constant supervision.

I felt restless

I headed up the stairs, opening the only the bedroom i found Lorenzo laying peacefully on the bed. I watch as his chest rises and falls beneath the sheet

This man was so attractive, sometimes I wish this wasn't all for business. Of course I didn't necessarily want to get married but since I had no choice I'd least want this marriage to be somewhat bearable. I crave love whereas he couldn't care less about love .

He carelessly sleeps around. No empathy for his quote of quote "wife"

Playing and toying with my emotions, sending mixed signals. One minute I'm his wife then the next this is all business and he can do what we he wants.

Meanwhile I stay home all day studying my ass off, taking care of the house, washing his clothes etc just for him to go around blatantly sleeping around with different women, making me look bad

I'm now the mafia queen of Italy, and it's time I look up to that role. How would my people look at me if they knew of my husbands affairs ?

Lorenzo views me as a liability, a burden and it hurts me

grabbing the most random outfit out my suit case I slip into the bathroom

Turning on the shower I stepped in letting the warm water cascade down my skin.

My body relaxed as I dipped my head under the shower head letting the water consume my skin.


After my shower I slipped into the empty side of the bed.

Turning over on my side opposite to Lorenzo.

My body stiffened when I felt Lorenzo hand latch onto my waist in efforts to comfort me.

Slowly I relaxed into his touch falling as sleep in his grasp

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