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It's been a week since we've gotten married.
I haven't really done much in this past week but study, sleep, eat, study again.
I'm starting to get fed up of being in the house all the time.
Lorenzo's literally never home. He comes home to sleep and other than that he doesn't come home at all.

So I'm left here all by myself with the guards and his brother Pedro. In which is pretty sweet by the way. Pedro is the complete opposite of Lorenzo that's one thing I've learned for sure.

Today is Friday so I was hoping I could take a break from studying and actually go explore Italy a bit
but Lorenzo once again came home late and I'm not allowed to go out with out him or a guard.

The least Lorenzo could've done was take me out to eat and show me around Italy but he couldn't even do that.

Closing my laptop I place it in the case before preparing for bed

I take a shower, change and make my way into the bed before the door opened to reveal Lorenzo

He walks into the room avoiding eye contact, he placing his phone down on the night stand

takes off his shirt revealing his strong, broad,muscular frame.

He grabs a towel out the closet before going straight into the bathroom

The anger building up inside of me as I heard the shower start to run

He comes home after not being here all day and he says nothing to me

Not a hello nothing

Pulling out my diary
I began writing about how I'm feeling as he showers

Dear Diary,

Im sick and tired of

*Buzz Buzz*

His phone began to buzz with notifications. I shouldn't be distracted, but I can't help being curious.

Leaning over to the night stand I grab the phone checking the notification

There was 2 text messages from Olivia

: Are you coming over tonight?
: Last was fun👀

As I read the messages Lorenzo comes out the shower

" Why do you have my phone?" He deadpans snatching the phone from my hands

" who the fuck is Olivia ?"

"none of your business"

" You've got to be fucking kidding me. You've left me here in this house for a week all by myself. Im stuck here studying all day so I can pass my classes meanwhile your sneaking around w-"
Before I could finish my sentence he grabs me and pulling me into a kiss

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