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Third Person POV:

Anna slowly opens her eyes to the sound of Lorenzo's voice raised in argument. She blinks, trying to focus, and sees Lorenzo seated on the edge of the bed, his expression tense as he argues into his phone. She catches snippets of the conversation, her heart sinking at the tension in his voice.

"Stronzate, ero d'accordo sul 20%." Lorenzo said hanging up the phone
( Bullshit, I agreed on 20 percent)

Anna slips out of bed, careful not to disturb Lorenzo. She exits the room, walking downstairs into the foyer. The cool wooden floor greets her bare feet as she descends. She glances around, searching for Lorenzo's parents, knowing they must know the source of the current tension in the house.

As she rounds the corner, she finds Lorenzo's parents, deep in discussion. Lorenzo's mother's gaze meets Anna's, her eyes softening at the sight of her daughter-in-law.

"Anna, dear, good morning," She greets Anna, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. Anna returns the greeting with a warm smile, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Anna takes a seat opposite them, her posture calm and welcoming. "Is everything okay?" she asks gently, sensing the weight of the unresolved issue hanging in the air. Lorenzo's mother begins to speak.

" Yea everything is okay honey, don't worry about it."

" okay" Anna responded unsure

" Did Lorenzo tell you that you're leaving for your honeymoon tomorrow morning ?"

" no this is news to me" Anna says

" Change of plans we're leaving in an hours" Lorenzo says walking into the kitchen

" what ? I don't even have any clothes packed."

" I had my men pack up your things."Lorenzo said

" where are we going ?"

" The Bahamas"

" alone ?" Anna questioned

" no Pedro and some friends will join us there"

After that conversation, Anna hopped into the shower. The warm water cascades over her, washing away the remnants of the morning's tension, leaving her feeling rejuvenated.

Dressed in a breezy sundress and with a smile on her face, Anna rejoins Lorenzo in the foyer. They gather their belongings and head out to the waiting private jet.

The plane ride is smooth and filled with comfortable silence. As they touch down in the Bahamas, they are greeted by their guide. They are led to their private luxurious villa.

Lorenzo's men haul all Anna suitcases up into the villa, Leaving them in the room for her neatly set down by the door.

By time they'd reached the villa it was late, so both Anna and Lorenzo got ready for bed.

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