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The weight of my parents expectations pressed down on me, suffocating my dreams and desires.

Being forced to marry the don of the Italian mafia truly felt like a cruel twist of fate, a sentence to a life I never wanted.

Mama invited Lorenzo and his family over to dinner for tomorrow night, So papa insisted that today mama and I go shopping for a suitable dress to wear for dinner.

I honestly wasn't in the mood to shop, yesterday was absolutely dreadful. I just wanna stay in my bed and sleep all day. It's like I can never catch a break.
This morning I woke up feeling all sorts of things but mostly sore due to those heels I wore yesterday.

I stayed in bed for what felt like ages simply texting my best friend drew.

Drew is like a brother to me, not only is he my best friend but his father is my father's right hand man and close friend so growing up he was always around but we didn't really get close til high school.

Wait was it high school or-
Before I could finish my thought

"Anna" my mother said opening my bedroom door

Her eyes held a mix of regret and sorrow as she began." Anna, I need to talk you. I want to apologize"She said

as I stared at her tears well up in my eyes just thinking of the situation

"I am so sorry mija, lamento mucho lo de la cena de anoche, las cosas están difíciles en este momento. Tu padre y yo no teníamos otra opción." My mother said touching my knee
("Darling I'm so sorry about dinner last night, things are rough right now. Your father and I didn't have choice")

"I realize now that I should never have agreed to this marriage without considering your feelings."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with remorse. As she continued, her voice quivered with emotion,

"I see now that I failed to stand up for you, failed to support your wishes. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you." 

Her apology was a crack in the wall of tradition, and for the first time, I saw her not as an enforcer of expectation, but as a woman burdened by the weight of her own sacrifices. Her words were a small glimmer of understanding, a fragile bridge between the constraints of tradition and the yearning for individual choice.

" Mama it's okay I understand" I said to brighten the mood hugging her

" it's not okay mija, I know you truly despise the idea of arranged marriage but still I let your father sign the papers."

" mama it's okay, I understand it's not a decision you wanted to make" I say sympathetically

"Thank you for forgiving me mija" she said laughing off her feelings

The driver will be here any minute get ready we have to get a dress for you" she said pulling away from the hug before wiping her eyes

My mother never liked showing her feelings so I understand this was her way of coping

After my mother left I texted drew telling him I'd talk to him later, took a shower washed my hair moisturized my skin, slicked my hair into a ponytail,did a little makeup, put on some heels w my denim jeans and a dress shirt .

Grabbing my bag on the way out

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Grabbing my bag on the way out.

Before making my way down the stairs and out the house

There the driver was waiting for me as well as my mother

The car ride I squeezed in some time to study for my upcoming exams

"Mija come we're here turn the computer off"

" okay okay mama"

" Why do I have to get a new dress anyways? I have so many already I haven't even worn" I questioned as we walked into the mall

" Your papa wants you to make a good impression, just get a new dress mija"

After hours of shopping, Mom and I finally found the perfect dress. It was a simple but stunning silky black dress with a slit in it. 
As we made our way home, the dress lay carefully wrapped in its luxurious packaging.

Mom's relief that the hunt was finally over. The car was filled with laughter and chatter as we scrolled through instagram shorts .

Anna and her mom seem to me back on good terms? I love that for them!!

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