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Anna's POV:

Sitting there at the table next to Lorenzo's mother, I watched as he talked to some short pretty blonde girl.
Through the crowd I watched as she playfully hit his arm, laughing at his jokes, stroking his arm, playing with her hair, typical.

I groaned running my hand through my hair

Could he be fucking her ?

What if it's his ex ? The one Pedro told me about

" Fuck this shit" I said to my self making my way over to the bar

" what's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here by yourself ?" The man standing beside me questioned

He had full dark pink lips, he stood tall hovering over me, his messy blonde hair, blue eyes, as he spoke his minty fresh breath washed over me.

He's absolutely gorgeous

I felt self conscious under his stare. His eyes dark blue eyes bluntly staring holes into my face

" what does it look like" I deadpan

" hmm unfriendly much ?" we both laugh breaking the imaginary barriers I had put up

" sorry I'm honestly having a rough night" I said

" no it's cool I get it" he said

" my names Anna, and yours ?"

" Diego" he replied

Before our conversation could continue Lorenzo finds his way over to me

His eyes dark, filled with jealousy, his hair messy, the same light color of nude pink lip stick the girl had on was smudged at this side of his lip.

He looked as if he'd just had a quickie , I swear this man thinks I'm an idiot.

" Cmon we're leaving" he said grabbing my arm avoiding eye contact

" what the fuck? I was having a conversation" I said

" I don't care" he opens the car door harshly pushing me into the car

Slamming the door as he walks around to get into the drivers side

" what the fuck is wrong with you?"

" nothing" he says starting the car

" where are we going?" I said

"My parents suggested we stay the night at their place"

" why ?"  I questioned

" its late and they live 2 minutes from here, its just convenient" he replied

" why do you have pink lipstick smudged at the side of your lip?" I said grabbing his face to investigate his lips up close

His knuckles turned white as he clenched the steering wheel, he clenched his jaw. I watched as the veins on his forearms bulged as he navigated the road , each turn and curve a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. The sound of screeching tires echoed in the air, he's angry.

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