King Of Spades

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Nothing interesting really happened when I woken up, I sat on the floor with Kuina looking around. The game hadn't started yet which was strange, "None of the games have started yet" Arisu said. "Maybe, we still have time?" Usagi asked, puzzled. "Or they forgot to push the big red start button" Chishiya said. "They didn't even tell us about the rules for this one" Kuina said looking over at the others. I nodded, agreeing with Kuina, I looked over at Usagi and saw her looking around, Usagi then looked over at Kuina and I. "What is it?" Kuina asked her, "I hear something" Usagi said as she walked past Kuina and I and looked in front of her. I stood up and looked over to where Usagi was currently looking. She hears something? I can't hear anything. After standing and looking for a little while, I saw cars coming towards us? Cars that I had seen at the beach? "There alive, beach people" Kuina said to Usagi. "Maybe Mio Or Botan is there?" I questioned, studying the cars. "Maybe" Arisu replied, smiling slightly at me. The cars drove around us and soon came to a stop. The beach people got out of their cars and walked over to us, I didn't see Mio or Botan though. I really hoped they were okay, Sakura was currently holding Dachi's hand and looking at the people shyly. Arisu walked forwards to the beach people, Usagi followed him. "What is this? What are you doing here?" Arisu asked them, confused. 

"We saw the blimps show up" A man replied to Arisu. I looked at the man, he wasn't wearing his blue robe but I could recognise him. "There are rumours that the next stage is starting" A woman said, her voice sounded anxious. "Right, Here's the thing" Arisu started to explain but the man from the beach was shot and fell to the floor, the woman was shot next. I looked over at Sakura, she was really scared. More people were shot, leaving holes in their bodies. Who the fuck was shooting!? And what were they shooting with!? "A rifle" Chishiya muttered, a frown on his face. "What kind of rifle Chishiya!? Be specific!?" I asked him, anxiously. "Get moving!" Chishiya replied to me, he looked at me and then the others. Usagi started to run away, "That things an anti-tank rifle" Chishiya started to explain, moving backwards slowly. Was he wanting to die!? I watched as the car next to us was shot, Dachi had ran away with Sakura. "So I'd forget about hiding behind a car" Chishiya stated, Arisu grabbed my arm and started running with me. "Run!" Arisu shouted to everyone, Chishiya speed walked making me want to slap him! He could get shot by that thing and he is just speed walking, watching what is going on! Arisu let go of my arm as we reached a small building, I bent down hiding behind it like Arisu was. 

"Does this mean the game's started?" Kuina questioned. "I don't know" Chishiya replied, "Did they give us any rules?" Kuina questioned again. "I don't think so" I replied sighing. "Without rules this is just a massacre" Arisu stated, anxiously. We carefully moved around the small building, people were screaming in fear and you could hear the rifle shooting at people. I then noticed that Dachi and Sakura wasn't with us!? I knew panicking would be stupid, it could get me killed and if I was killed, I would never find them. "That rifle can kill from a kilometre away" Chishiya explained. Oh god, Dachi and Sakura?! I then heard fast gunshots, was that an assault rifle!? Please tell me that I'm wrong! "Damnit I recognise that sound" Kuina said breathing heavily. "And now we've got an assault rifle" Chishiya said, Ugh! "We have no idea how many there are!" Usagi said scared. "Other players are starting to group together" Kuina said looking at the players. "Wouldn't that make them an easy target?" I asked, sighing. "Depends" Chishiya replied. Depends? "Could be more then one shooter" Arisu said carefully looking at the players who were currently running and screaming for their lives. "I had no idea so many players were still alive" Kuina replied to Arisu. "RUN!" I heard a man scream, this was fucked. 

"They're almost here! We have to go!" Arisu shouted, he then started moving in the other direction. "Come on!" Usagi said to me, Chishiya and Kuina. Kuina started following Usagi, I followed Kuina and Chishiya was behind me. "Let's go!" Arisu said to us as he started running, Oh fuck.. I started running after Arisu, avoiding the bullets that were shot around me. No way I was getting shot again! Arisu fell to the ground, "This is bad!" Kuina shouted worried. She wasn't wrong. "We need to split up!" Chishiya said to us all, so we did. We split up, Arisu ran in the opposite direction, "YASMIN!" Chishiya shouted to me, so I was following him then. I ran with Chishiya and Kuina, I kept ducking my head as bullets sprayed overhead, this was fucking terrifying! Usagi ended up splitting away from us, I was so worried about Dachi and Sakura, where could they be!? I kept on running until Kuina pulled me behind a car, Chishiya was at the opposite side of me. I was breathing heavily due to running, I needed to catch my breath in case I had to run again. I could hear the assault rifle shooting, murdering the players, I put my hand onto my rapid beating heart, Why were there no rules!? Every game that I had played had rules but apparently not this one!?

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