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My POV ;)

I held Sakura's hand as we walked across the busy crossing. "Look fireworks!" Sakura said pointing to the fireworks exploding in the sky. Huh? But it's daytime? Sakura giggled watching them. Then all the buildings surrounding us exploded forward, glass shattered everywhere. I covered Sakura from the explosion.. then it went black...

I woke up in a hospital bed covered in bandages, my eyes looked around and I saw Dachi sat at the side of me. I groaned and Dachi rushed to my side, "Oh my god, you are okay!?" Dachi said crying as he held me tightly. "What...what happened?" I asked my brother. "There was a meteorite explosion and we thought you were dead.." Dachi told me. "You did die.. actually for a minute" Dachi said sighing. "S-sakura!?" I shouted looking at him. Dachi cried harder and gave me a look. "No... No no no no, I was protecting her Dachi.. Why did she die! AND I DIDNT!" I cried out screaming. I didn't notice Chishiya and Niragi laid in the opposite beds as I screamed out heartbroken. "I know you was.. they found you holding her tightly, I know you tried everything to protect her Yasmin.. but she didn't make it. She died when they got her to the hospital" Dachi cried to me. "I need to see her Dachi!" I cried trying to get out of bed. "I don't know if that's a good idea" Dachi said shaking his head. 

"She's my little sister!" I shouted at him. "Fine.. I'll ask but it won't be good.." Dachi said sighing and getting up. He walked away from me. "Fuck!" I shouted. "Yasmin.." Chishiya said, I looked at the side of me and saw Chishiya laying in a bed. "Chishiya..? what happened to you?" I asked him. "Explosion.. I died for a whole minute apparently" Chishiya said chuckling. "Apparently I did too.." I said sighing. "Coincidence that we all died for a minute"  A man said. Dachi walked back over to me, "They don't think it's a good idea, you can't get stressed out" Dachi said sighing. "So I can't even see my sister to tell her how much I love her..?" I asked him frowning. "I'm sorry... I tried" Dachi said sighing. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away, Dachi looked over at Chishiya. "I've heard about you.." Dachi said to him. I looked at Dachi. 

"My parents are trying to set you and Yasmin up right?" Dachi said chuckling. "They are still going to do that..? even after this?" I asked him. "Yeah.." Dachi said sighing. "Have they even been to see me?" I asked looking at him. "Our mother did, she even cried for you. Father didn't want to, he couldn't see you like that but I've told the hospital to notify them that you are awake" Dachi answered. "Our mom cried.. over me? well.. shit.." I said making Dachi laugh. "so I still have to marry you?" Chishiya asked me. "Not my fault.." I said deeply sighing. Chishiya rolled his eyes and got out of bed. I watched as he walked away..

Half an hour later, I managed to get out of bed myself and walked down the hospital hallway. I looked out of the window and saw how sunny it was. "It looks lovely out there" I said to myself. "Would you like to go outside?" A nurse asked me smiling. "I work here.." I said looking at the woman. "I know but right now you are a patient, would you like to go outside?" The nurse asked me. I nodded at her, she took my arm and helped me out of the hospital into the hospital's garden. I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin, "Sakura Nakamura?" I said as I walked over to a table with her. "oh.. your sister, I'm sorry Yasmin" The nurse said sorrowful. I nodded and she helped me sit down, I noticed Chishiya walking over. "I'm going to get you something to drink, you haven't drank since you woken up. We need to get your strength back" The nurse said smiling at me. "Doctor Chishiya, do you mind looking after her whilst I get a drink for her" The nurse said to Chishiya as he stopped at the table. "Go, I'll keep an eye on her" Chishiya responded.

I sighed deeply as I thought about Sakura. "I found something.." Chishiya spoke up. "Huh, what?" I asked him confused. "This" Chishiya said placing a joker card onto the table. My brain started to hurt as loads of flashbacks went through it. The beach, the hearts games, Niragi, dying..? "I should be dead...?" I questioned confused. "I know.. do you remember me?" Chishiya asked me. "yes.." I responded. "I think we were tricked.. we all had a question at the end of the games asking if we wanted permanent residency in that world, I declined it for both of us but.. I saw this and I think it's not over.." Chishiya explained to me. "But.. we are back in the real world?" I asked him. "I know.. I don't get that part yet but.. I think we are still playing the games, this is kind of like an intermission" Chishiya sighed. "I think.. everyone who survived made the decision at the end and everyone who died in the games, died in real life" Chishiya said after thinking for a while. "So, Sakura died in the games? and I died..?" I asked confused, my eyes watering. "I asked to decline for you, I couldn't let you die there. I didn't have much hope that it would work though.. I couldn't remember you when I saw you but after finding that joker card, I remembered you and then I saw you sitting outside and I needed to come and talk to you, try and get you to remember" Chishiya said looking at me. 

"Even if the games are still happening, it's going to be different here Chishiya, us I mean" I said sighing. "What?" Chishiya questioned me confused. "I have to recover and then I'll be back at work all the time and.. I never have any time free" I explained sighing. "That's your choice, you can work less.. don't make that excuse.." Chishiya said coldly. "Chishiya.." I said sighing but he interrupted me. "No, if you can remember everything like you just said you could then you should remember telling me yes before you fucking died, you should remember agreeing to marry me. You should remember how much we loved each other in that world, you shouldn't be sat here telling me this bullshit" Chishiya snapped. "I do remember.. I just, I don't feel like I'm the woman you should be choosing to settle down with. There is other women out there" I said to him. Chishiya rolled his eyes and looked at me, "I don't give a fuck about anybody else Yasmin, I saved you because I needed you with me in the real world" Chishiya snapped at me again. I looked at Chishiya, he looked at me. "Are you sure..? I'm a pain in the ass.." I said laughing a little. 

"I know you are.. I still love you though and I'm not any better. But you also told me you didn't think I was pathetic or small-minded soo?" Chishiya questioned me. "Fine, I will try in what ever this world is" I said looking around me. "I will figure that out" Chishiya nodded as he moved his chair closer to me. The nurse walked over to me and gave me a glass of water, "Thanks" I muttered. "Would you like me to stay? or would you prefer to stay with doctor Chishiya" The nurse asked me smiling. Chishiya raised an eyebrow at me, "I want to stay with Chishiya" I said smiling at him. Chishiya smirked at my response, the nurse looked at us both. "Do you know each other?" The nurse asked us. "Yeah, she's my girlfriend" Chishiya answered her. I smiled and the nurse smiled too. "Alright, I know she's in good hands" the nurse said bowing her head and walking away. 


So I survived so did Chishiya. I also found out that Arisu, Ann, Aguni, Kuina, Usagi and even Niragi survived too. Everyone who left the game survived, the people who didn't survive was Sakura and Tatta. I laid back in my hospital bed as I had gone dizzy, Chishiya was working helping out with the survivors and he had told me to get some rest until my parents came. We both could remember everything, If Chishiya was correct then.. 


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