Jack Of Hearts

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The next morning, I woke up to see Chishiya already out of bed, I got out of his bed, memories from last night floated into my mind. I bit my lip remembering Chishiya's moaning but shook it off and got changed. I walked out of his room and went into his living room, Chishiya was sat on the sofa, he looked deep in thought. "Morning" I spoke first, Chishiya looked up at me, "Morning" Chishiya replied. I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him, "You look deep in thought?" I asked him whilst resting my head on his shoulder. "We need to participate in another game and I don't think we can come back here afterwards, I heard shooting 15 minutes ago. I think the King Of Spades is almost here" Chishiya explained to me, sighing deeply. "Okay, we should go then, right now and look for another game" I said to him, I knew we couldn't just stay here at his apartment forever. I also knew that this world we lived in, the borderlands. It wasn't a friendly world. I was used to that now, I was used to fighting for my life in the games.

Chishiya raised his eyebrow at me, surprised that I was so calm about it. I shrugged and stood up, "Come on" I said walking to the door. Chishiya nodded his head and followed me to the door, Chishiya unlocked his door and then we walked out. I wonder what the next game will be? I followed Chishiya down many streets until he stopped and pointed up at the sky. I looked to where he was pointing, A blimp showing the Jack Of Hearts card was flying above Teio Prison. "That's our next game then" I shrugged, "It's a hearts game" Chishiya said panic lacing his voice. "I know but it's only the game around us right now, come on Chishiya" I said walking towards the prison. "Hey! Wait up!" Chishiya said worriedly. I didn't slow down, Chishiya jogged to catch up with me and we walked into Teio Prison together. 

I carried on walking inside when I saw collars laid out and a sign. "Put on a collar and go upstairs to the central guardroom" I read to myself. "I have a weird feeling about this Yasmin" Chishiya said sighing. I put on one of the collars, earning a worried look from Chishiya, Chishiya put on his collar and then we walked upstairs. Entering the central guardroom, I scanned around me and saw different participants. Some of them had worried looks on their faces, some of them were calm and some were itching to start trouble. I said nothing, just walked over to a wall and leaned against it. Chishiya sighed and walked over to a different wall, he clearly didn't want the others to know about us. Probably because that would show a weakness.

"Difficulty level, Jack Of Hearts. Game, Solitary Confinement. Rules, Guess the card suit that appears on the back of your collar. However, you may not look at the symbol yourself" The woman said, "I can't see anything" A woman complained. She just said don't look yourself? Dumb idiot.. "The time limit is one hour per round, in the final five minutes. Enter your cell and disclose your symbol, If you do not answer with the correct symbol, it is game over. The collar will explode and you will die. Additionally, when the time limit reaches zero, the symbol on the collar will reset and change for each round" The woman explained making people mutter with worry. "Wait a sec, so that means, We just have to ask each other what are symbols are? That's easy huh!" A man wearing a yellow striped top and a blue overall over it said, smiling happily at Chishiya. "I'm not so sure, they haven't told us what the conditions to win are yet" Chishiya replied to him staring at the screen on the wall.

"The Solitary Confinement game is about how much you can trust your fellow players. Be aware that your oponent, the Jack Of Hearts has already been placed among you" The woman said, everyone looked at each other nervously. "Oh, that's good" Chishiya spoke. "So one of us is the Jack Of Hearts?" A man asked nervously. "How to win, rounds repeat every hour, you win the game when the Jack Of Hearts dies" The woman said. I watched as a man tried to look at his collar, I shook my head at him. "Prohibited actions, looking at your symbol with a reflective surface is cheating, players may not use weapons or violence to kill fellow players" The woman said. Ha! Of course not!

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