Chapter 23 : Maybe Not Forever

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He closed the door behind him, taking a seat behind his desk. I followed suit, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"There's been an accident. Nobody is sure how it took place, or why. But at exactly four pm this afternoon, we had a security breach. Somebody managed to slip into the ICU ward."

He paused, sighing loudly as he ran his fingers through his short hair.

"Kimberly, they disconnected his life support chords. His respiratory system failed, he wasn't responsive. We did what we could.

I'm sorry, we couldn't save him."


"Y-you... You can't be serious." I stammered, feeling my eyes prickle as they began to well up with tears.

This all had to be some sick joke. My brother couldn't have been dead. He was there, he was with me a few days ago. We went to Carmen's party together. We'd argued about who was driving like we usually do before that. He couldn't be.

It was too much to handle in that moment, and I refused to allow it to sink in.

"We're so sorr-" I had botled out of his office before he even had he chance to finish, running straight towards all the commotion to where my brother laid.

I pushed a few doctors out of the way, forcing my way in between the crowd of hospital staff.

Some of them protested, telling me to stay back. The same doctor who had just consulted me had followed me out, and held up his hand at the security.

"It's his sister. Let her say her goodbyes."

My eyes fell upon the lifeless form that laid before me. That of my brother.

The cuts on his face were now slightly scabbed, he even had a few stitches. His eyes were closed, his usually tanned skin was pale, bruises still remained over his neck and face.

He can't be dead.

I played it over and over in my mind, hoping that he'd open his blue eyes and look at me. Hoping that he'd suddenly wake up.

"Ash." I whispered, reaching forward to graze his face with my fingertips, which was icy cold to the touch.

"No." I sobbed. "No, please."

I yelled out in desperation, pleading him to wake up.

"You're not dead, please, wake up!"

"We did what we could-"

"No! Shut up!" Now I'd really lost it. I'm pretty sure the entire ward could hear the pounding inside my chest, and I was quickly drawing more attention from all the commotion I'd created.

Some nurses tried calming me, others looked at me in disgust, and some with looks of pity. I could tell I was making the security guards uneasy, as they held back.

"He's not fucking dead!" I screamed, moving closer to where my brother laid, the tears now falling freely from my eyes. A solemn tear had fallen onto Ash's cheek, and in that moment, I realized he was gone. It was symbolic to me, I was saying goodbye.

"It's time for you to leave." One of the other doctors announced, motioning for security to escort me out.

"You're disturbing the other patients, and this is a private ward. We all have jobs to do."

I whipped my head around to stare him down. My grief quickly being replaced by anger.

"Do you have no fucking sympathy?" I spat. "It's because of you that he's gone. If you had done your fucking job, he wouldn't be dead!"

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